Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hold it Right There - Mexicans are NOT gay !!!!!!!!!

I am upset and must correct this person from L.A. Eastside blog below. There may be a few gay men in Mexico, but if there is a gay "mexican", it is because thier father is of anglo-european descent. There were no gays in mexico before the illegal immigrants from europe came to mexico and raped the women of mexico.
So theMaricon and Puto below is wrong is not a true mexican, it's a shame this misinformation was allowed to be posted on the L.A. Eastside blog.
December 18th, 2009 10:28 am
I love the Huffington Post but seriously these examples are definitely geared towards the “cock-asians” aka gringos i wrote that^ and yes i was fighting “fire with fire” and if you read the whole comment in context you could read,understand and tell that my spelling of “caucasians” (does include asian word in it but i was emphasizing cock) was my attempt at humor towards the whites aka gringos which had written that article over at the Huffington Post.
My intention was humor and not to offend as i finished it off with a smile.
The “white is not right” comment was added as a nod to my white boyfriend- i learned that term from him, well he says- “white is right”.
I am a proud Mexican-American gay guy (we are everywhere) and he is Caucasian.
- in the end you see what you want to see-after all comments are subjective and open to interpretation (and i got a thick skin i can take it as well as i give it)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Never Trust a Mayate

You would think a white girl would know a mayate can't be trusted. Tu sabes a mayate will always be a mayate, you know Tiger is trying to be white and sleeping with as many white women as possible.
Tiger should hire Huggy Bear as his pimp.
Update ***********
Looks like Tiger has been with many white-girls, you can take the mayate out of the ghetto but you can't the mayatee out the ghetto. How many babies is he going to abandon and have welfare the department support.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
L.A. Eastside Trains - Racism, Xenophobes and the Powers That Be

Here is another example of racism and discrimination of the latinos living in the Eastside. Would a train be installed along a road like this in the Westside? Tu sabes the "Powers That Be" had an ulterior motive when they installed the train where latinos could walk or drive into the path of the trains.
My friends at L.A. Eastside bring up many valid arguments about the dangers these trains pose to the latinos, the gavachos did not consider the cultural and history of the pre-dominantly mexican heritage resident before installing the trains.
Was any consideration given to large number of low-riders around the trains. My cousin Chuey messed up his bumper crossing the tracks in his 64 Chevy Impala, we all know the gavachos drive high-profile SUVs but what about the low-riders.
I noticed there are no provisions for shopping carts on the trains, what about all the Taco vendors and Bacon Wrapped Hot-Dog vendors who use their shopping carts to cook our food. What are we supposed to eat?
The latinos of East Los Angeles are once again being short-chaanged and being placed in danger by the trains, how many women and kids will have to die before the trains are removed? The minute-man, nativists and robber barons are enjoying the death of our jente.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving - LAPD and NAZIS - Can you tell the difference?

The LAPD has a long history of racism and abuse of it's power. Remember Sleppy Lagoon and the May Day Rally at McArthur Park? I posted a few pictures to jog your memory. I had many of my familia at McArthur Park the day the LAPD started a Riot and shot women and children with "Non-Lethal" bullets. The pinche racist and draconian LAPD once again demonstrated thier true colors, for all to see.
Hitler's SS police and Nazis are no different than todays LAPD? Thanks to Rob Thomas over at L.A. Eastside blog for bringing this to our attention. We have to constantly remind everyone of the LAPD's Nazis and of George Bush emulating Adolf Hitler. Now we have Sarah Palin on her book tour who is promting racism with her vitriloic words about immigration and nativist views.
How can I possibly enjoy Thanksgiving with Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs, Sarah Palin, Fox News and Robber Barons on my mind.
Let's not forgot about the 700 Native American men , women and children of the Pequot Tribe who were massacred after thier Thanksgiving dinner, just goes to show you, never trust an Anglo-Saxon of European decent.
Fuck Thanksgiving, turkeys and the Gavachos, I'm having tamales and menudo and remembering all the victims of the murderous gavachos.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pinche WestSide Gavachos and Colonics and Menudo Enemas

Tu sabes how crazy the hipsters and gavachos from the west-side. You would not find this on the eastside, we don't need no pinche colonics.
I used to go to a chiropractor in Eagle Rock for back aches and the Dr. was a wonderful old timer in his eighties named, believe it or not, Dr. Carne. One day as I was getting my back treatment he told me he was going to retire, I asked why and in a rather grumpy tone he said ” Most of my old customers are dying and nowadays a lot of my new customers include many Gay men, (he actually used one of the nasty descriptive terms for Gay men, which of course I'm to high class to say), and they all want me to give them “high colonic enemas”, and damn it, I don’t need the money bad enough to end up the high priest of Tailgunners!”
Also, the troll who shows up here often, with the very recognizable and badly disguised anti-Mexican, anti-Eastside comments, was reportedly given treatments a couple of years ago by one Dr. Hugo Winterhalder, for anti Mexican psychotic behavior treatment that included not only hours of isolation with a TV constantly playing songs by “Las Ardilla’s” (The Chipmonks), and Chapulin Colorado TV programs, but also a series of “Menudo enemas” that although didn’t fully cure the troll of Mexipsychosis left a lasting case of “Menudo Enema OCD Complejo ” that can still be witnessed throughout the Internet at various sites. lol
Mary Cummins, Walter Moore, Mike Higby, Anonymousa, Hipsters, Barf, SNG and the mayates could all use a menudo enema. But don't give a menudo enema to a maricon he will enjoy it.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Target Stores are Racist !!!!!!!!!!

This was first reported by my friends at L.A. Eastside blog, I immediately contacted the CEO of Target and convinced him to remove the costume from their stores. I remeinded the Target CEO of how many billiuons of dollars the latino community spends at Target stores. Even my abuelita is a regular shopper at Target Stores.
We mexican americans can't stand by as whites would dress in a manner to degrade and cast us in a bad light. My homies in Highalnd Park are even aware of how we need to oppose anyone dressing in a manner which would portray us as illegal, criminals or low-lifes.
I also wanted to post some pictures of my famila from East Los Angeles and wish them a Happy Halloween.
The Primas.

The Kids.

The Primos, Great Parents and a Great Role Models.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pinche Westside Gavachos With Feria

My pinche gavacho boss make me wash these fucking ranflas !!!!!
The white pendejos never come into my varrio to eat menudo or elotes and enjoy the ranchera music blasting from a paisa's truck. You can see some firme plakas/artwork from the Avenues homies on walls all over Highland Park.
I’m going to have to be dismissive incredulous of the pinche gavachos alibi of ignorance and claim that the LA Eastside neighborhoods do not have specific zip codes, and they can't find our varrio.
It’s very simple to envision and locate the LA Eastside, hundreds of thousands of people for generations have done so, despite being quasi-invisible and denigrated by other citizens from West of the Eastside as Mexican gangsters, illegal aliens, and uncultured heathens to be feared and avoided except as a pool for cheap labor or easy marks when their homes and land were needed for some forced urban renewal public works project like freeway building or gov’t building projects.
The LA Eastside is the area East of Downtown or the LA River inside the City of Los Angeles and the LA County area called East Los Angeles.Got It?The 4300 block of West Sunset Blvd (home of GROWkidsGrow), is not on the LA Eastside despite all attempts at economic or egoistic gerrymandering.
Fuck all the Gavachos,, especially the gavachos with a good job, a BMW and feria.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Pinche Hispsters - Get the Hell Out of My Varrio !!!!!!!
For those of you who don't know who to recognize a pinche cabron - hipster, I am providing some pictures. Remember if you see a pinche hipster in East Los Angeles, chase thier asses's out East L.A. with a broom stick and if you catch a pinche hipster, give them a menudo enema so they don't return to East L.A. (my abuelita can provide some very hot and spicy menudo).

This pinche Hipster didn't want me take his picture, I better not catch his ass in Highland Parque, the carnales will take care of his ass, tu sabes, you know how we do it in Highland Parque.

This pinche Hipster didn't want me take his picture, I better not catch his ass in Highland Parque, the carnales will take care of his ass, tu sabes, you know how we do it in Highland Parque.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Pinche Robber Barons !!!!
A great blog post by my compadre in Las Vegas Rodger Jacobs and another inspiring original comment by Don Quixote. who is a constant battle against the Robber Baron Gavachos.
Right on Roger! What a mess, and looking back over the past 30 or 40 years of massive immigration from Mexico (which I am most familiar with although I realize that many other countries have supplied bodies), a person would have to be a fool to believe it was just a human exodus that occurred by chance or circumstance. There were IMO, robber baron puppet masters who conspired and abetted the massive movement of people mired in poverty and hopelessness and looking for a better life north of the border. What better way to cut the legs off of the once powerful USA labor union movement and stifle upward mobility of working people than to have millions of poor people at your beck and call, willing to work cheap and without the benefit of labor laws or almost any human rights.
But many people don’t want to expend the effort to think about this polemic or the suffering and consternation of their fellow human beings, the “illegals”, who in many cases are caught between a rock and a hard place. The economic recession, rising unemployment, the recent appearance of brown faces and nativism in parts of the country unaccustomed to multi-culturism, and the power drunk media demagogues screeching for a mass public lynching (deportations), of “illegals” foretells of some ugly times ahead for these scapegoats.
Right on Roger! What a mess, and looking back over the past 30 or 40 years of massive immigration from Mexico (which I am most familiar with although I realize that many other countries have supplied bodies), a person would have to be a fool to believe it was just a human exodus that occurred by chance or circumstance. There were IMO, robber baron puppet masters who conspired and abetted the massive movement of people mired in poverty and hopelessness and looking for a better life north of the border. What better way to cut the legs off of the once powerful USA labor union movement and stifle upward mobility of working people than to have millions of poor people at your beck and call, willing to work cheap and without the benefit of labor laws or almost any human rights.
But many people don’t want to expend the effort to think about this polemic or the suffering and consternation of their fellow human beings, the “illegals”, who in many cases are caught between a rock and a hard place. The economic recession, rising unemployment, the recent appearance of brown faces and nativism in parts of the country unaccustomed to multi-culturism, and the power drunk media demagogues screeching for a mass public lynching (deportations), of “illegals” foretells of some ugly times ahead for these scapegoats.
Pinche Shape Shiting Anonymouse Troll !!!!
I'm really pissed and upset at our minuteman xenophobis troll who posts at L.A. Eastside and WitnessL.A. blogs.
The pinche maricon has been using many names such as Donkey Joto, and is even using the alias Rob Thomas and SNS. You know these minutemen don't have the huevos to post under thier own names when posting thier vitriol on the blogs.
I have written to the moderators at WitnessL.A. and L.A. Eastside and warned them about the troll who has DonQuixotePhobia.
It has to be a really sick person to post stupid comments using so many different names on the Internet, that sicko should seek help from a physcologist. But we all the troll is probably crazy.
The pinche maricon has been using many names such as Donkey Joto, and is even using the alias Rob Thomas and SNS. You know these minutemen don't have the huevos to post under thier own names when posting thier vitriol on the blogs.
I have written to the moderators at WitnessL.A. and L.A. Eastside and warned them about the troll who has DonQuixotePhobia.
It has to be a really sick person to post stupid comments using so many different names on the Internet, that sicko should seek help from a physcologist. But we all the troll is probably crazy.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tony Rafael Is A Weasel, Racist, Xenophobe !!!
I used to consider myself a good friend and was a groupie of Tony Rafael (aka Wally), he was my mero-mero a few years ago. I shared many of my great cholo stories with Wally.
Wally and I shared many Ramos Gin Fizz drinks at my favorite bar in Little Tokyo. I even had my favorite bartender "El Chino", prepare his famous Ramos Gin Fizz drink while drinking in Little Tokyo.
But times have changed and now Wally is leading a group of gavacho tea-baggers who want to end all gang intervention programs especially those which benefit my little carnalitos in East L.A.
My new friend Gust has been exposing the Weasel Tony Rafael.
Wally and I shared many Ramos Gin Fizz drinks at my favorite bar in Little Tokyo. I even had my favorite bartender "El Chino", prepare his famous Ramos Gin Fizz drink while drinking in Little Tokyo.
But times have changed and now Wally is leading a group of gavacho tea-baggers who want to end all gang intervention programs especially those which benefit my little carnalitos in East L.A.
My new friend Gust has been exposing the Weasel Tony Rafael.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Grandson Is In The Little League World Series !!!!!!!!!!!!

My grandson Luke Ramirez pitched a one-hitter and hit a monster three-run homer to lead the young chicanos from Chula Vista to the Little League World Series !!!!!!!!!!!
I taught my grandson how to throw a curve ball just like Fernando Valenzuela, tu sabes another great Mexican pitcher. I was driving down to Chula Vista every two weeks to coach my grandson. I taught him to be a good pitcher and more importantly a proud chicano who understands the gavachos are racist and will discriminate and exploit him. With my mentoring my grandson is very aware of the gavachos xenophobic ways.
I know the Minutemen and the Gavcahos are really pissed off that a bunch of chicanos are representing the U.S.A. against the little chinos from Taiwan. Fuck the xenophobic gavachos who hate my grandson because of the color of his skin. My grandson will make to the Major League Baseball despite the racist and xenophobic MLB owners who don't allow latinos into Major League Baseball.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My Nephew - Jose Hernandez - First Mexican in Space
This week’s planned launch of the space shuttle Discovery is getting special attention in Mexico. The seven-member crew includes astronaut Jose Hernandez, the California-born son of Mexican immigrants and suddenly a national hero here, as well.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon considers Hernandez a paisano -- the president and the astronaut’s parents come from the same Mexican state of Michoacan. Calderon telephoned Hernandez over the weekend and in a televised exchange wished him “an enormous congratulation, with all our admiration, all our affection and all our pride.”
Calderon invited Hernandez down to the presidential palace for a chat and a meal, once he’s returned from outer space. He thanked Hernandez for taking the name of Mexico to new heights.
Hernandez’s parents, Salvador and Julia, migrated to northern California in the 1950s in search of work. They eventually became U.S. citizens and raised four children, all of whom, young Jose included, helped toil in the fields, picking cucumbers and tomatoes. As a kid, Hernandez continued to visit his parents’ Michoacan homeland, where cousins and aunts and uncles were being interviewed this week by the Mexican press.
This week’s planned launch of the space shuttle Discovery is getting special attention in Mexico. The seven-member crew includes astronaut Jose Hernandez, the California-born son of Mexican immigrants and suddenly a national hero here, as well.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon considers Hernandez a paisano -- the president and the astronaut’s parents come from the same Mexican state of Michoacan. Calderon telephoned Hernandez over the weekend and in a televised exchange wished him “an enormous congratulation, with all our admiration, all our affection and all our pride.”
Calderon invited Hernandez down to the presidential palace for a chat and a meal, once he’s returned from outer space. He thanked Hernandez for taking the name of Mexico to new heights.
Hernandez’s parents, Salvador and Julia, migrated to northern California in the 1950s in search of work. They eventually became U.S. citizens and raised four children, all of whom, young Jose included, helped toil in the fields, picking cucumbers and tomatoes. As a kid, Hernandez continued to visit his parents’ Michoacan homeland, where cousins and aunts and uncles were being interviewed this week by the Mexican press.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My Great Tia Dolia, My Abelita's Sister

Did I tell you vatos about my Abuelita's sister Dolia Gozalez , she has a Navy destroyer named after her. I took some pictures from the ceremony I attended for my great Tia Dolia. I know ths story about my Tia Dolia will make you vatos cry.
As she made her way across Pier 2, the 80-year-old woman stood out from the crowd gathered for the ship's change of command ceremony. Greeted like family by the ship's Captain, it clear that this is no ordinary woman, and to her it is no ordinary ship – it is her ship.
The USS Gonzalez is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer named after Marine Sgt. Alfredo "Freddy" Gonzalez, a Medal of Honor recipient from the Vietnam War. The woman is Dolia Gonzalez, mother of the ship's namesake. It has been said that she makes the trek from her home in Edinburg, Texas, every time the ship leaves and returns from deployment, and for many of the major ceremonies.
Dolia Gonzalez may not know any of these Sailors personally; but she considers each of them as her own. Since the ship's commissioning, the crew has made it their mission to treat Dolia as the ship's mother - writing letters and calling her during deployments and inviting her to special events like today's change of command ceremony.
"It means life in my blood; it's for my boy. This is my life. My son is here with me," said Dolia.
During Cmdr. Brian Fort's last duty as the ship's commanding officer he made it a point to thank Dolia for all that she's done for his crew, by presenting her with a painting by retired Marine Col. Charles Waterhouse.
"She makes our life on board here extremely enjoyable. Knowing she means all this to my Sailors," said Fort.
As the ship's new captain steps in, Cmdr. Lynn Acheson said she's excited about fostering the relationship with Dolia, and getting to know the mother who has been such an integral part of the ship's history. Acheson said, "Dolia is a model of the honor and sacrifice heroes like Sgt. Freddie Gonzalez have made."
"She's got a special relationship with the crew. I hope to continue with my own personal relationship with her, I have a lot of respect for that lady," Acheson said.
Gonzalez was born in Edinburg, in 1946 and raised primarily by his mother. He was an All-District football player at Edinburg High School in spite of his weight of 135 pounds.
Following high school graduation, Gonzalez enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in San Antonio June 3, 1965, and then enlisted in the regular Marine Corps July 6, 1965. He went on to serve in Vietnam at his own request in response to an ambush that took the lives of some of his friends.
He first was assigned to the Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, as a rifleman. On Jan. 1, 1966, Gonzalez was promoted to private first class and transferred to Company L, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam as a squad leader.
In October that year he was promoted to lance corporal, and the following December was promoted to corporal. Gonzalez completed his tour of duty in Vietnam and returned to the United States in February 1967. He was stationed with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He became a Marine instructor at Camp Lejeune to prepare Marines for the guerilla warfare.
Though he had not intended to return to war, after learning of an ambush which wiped out an entire platoon, including men who had served under him during his tour of duty, he requested a transfer and another tour in Vietnam.
He spent May and July of 1967 in a staging battalion at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, during which he was promoted to Sergeant. Gonzalez was then assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein) in Vietnam.
In January 1968, Gonzalez' unit was involved in the initial phase of Operation Hue City and deployed by truck convoy to reinforce other units fighting in the city. The convoy was attacked near the village of Lang Van Lrong and drew heavy enemy fire.
Gonzalez immediately positioned his men and directed their fire until the area was free of enemy snipers. The convoy moved on and was attacked again after crossing a river south of Hue. A Marine standing on a tank was wounded and fell to the ground in a position exposed to enemy fire.
Gonzalez ran to him, picked him up and carried him to a protected area. During the rescue, Gonzalez was wounded by fragments of exploding grenades. As the convoy was pinned down by an enemy machine gun bunker up the road, Gonzalez led his platoon to the bunker and destroyed it with hand grenades.
The convoy eventually reached Hue, where Gonzalez and his unit fought against heavy enemy resistance. He was seriously wounded on Feb. 3, but refused medical treatment in order to stay with his men. The following day, his unit was pinned down by a large enemy force and suffered heavy casualties.
Gonzalez used several antitank weapons against heavily fortified enemy positions while exposed to enemy fire. He held back the enemy advance and destroyed an enemy rocket position before he was mortally wounded. Gonzalez was hit by the last rocket fired by the enemy, and died in the Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church, where he had taken cover.
For his actions, while being wounded several times between January 31 and February 4, 1968, Gonzalez was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
His Medal of Honor was presented to his mother on Oct. 31, 1969, by then Vice President Spiro T. Agnew at the White House.
In 1996, the USS Alfredo Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer, was commissioned in Corpus Christi.
There is a permanent display of his uniform and medals at the Hidalgo County Historical Museum.
Alfredo Gonzalez Hall, Instructor Training Battalion Headquarters Building, The Basic School, Quantico, Va. was dedicated July 13, 2007. Gonzalez was chosen to have the building named after him by the Marines of Instructor Battalion.
Mother Teresa once said, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
Dolia's son gave his life. Though she lost him, his memory and her love is kept alive through her connection with the USS Gonzalez. They'll undoubtedly be saving her seat at the next ceremony, and she'll make the trip because a mother's job never ends, and the de facto matriarch of the USS Gonzalez wouldn't disappoint her children.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yes This Old Cholo Plays Golf, and I'm Damn Good
I know the xenophobes and haters at Barf and Witness L.A. have been talking shit about me. I am getting sick and tired of the pendejos mocking my comments all over the Internet. You fools need a hobby, maybe you pendejos can learn to play golf, I have been palying golf for over 40 years and have played in a few tournaments as well. I also play golf at Palm Springs on a regular basis, that is where I met Chi Chi Rodriquez and Lee Trevino over 30 years ago. I still talk to Chi Chi on a regular basis. I was playing 18 holes with Chi Chi 30 years ago when I sank a 350 yard Hole In One, after I sank that shot I took my golf club and swung like a sword and the rest is tu sabes history. Chi Chi started using my signature move and he became well know for that move of mine. I still rib Chi Chi about stealing my move, pinche Puerto Rican LOL LOL. Chi Chi gave me a very expensive set of hand made clubs for my 50th birthday I rarely use the clubs I want to pass them on to my grandkid, he will be the next Tigre Woods, the mayate better watchout. I have another secret move which I will pass on to my grandkid when he turns pro.
My Hollywood Connection
I know I have usually discuss and inform the working class and latinos about the divide and conquer ploy being used the rich whites aka the robber barons, but today I will be sahring my connection to Hollywood.
I ran a very sucessful roofing comapny for many years, I was one of the best roofers in the L.A. area. Since I was one of the best I, was recommended for jobs at the homes of some Hollywood celebrities. This is how I met Martin Scorcese and Clint Eastwood.
I met Martin Scorcese as he was casting for the movie Goodfellas, I told Martin Scorcese about my time with the mero-mero carnales of the Mexican Mafia. Martin Scorcese was so impressed with my stories, so I was hired as a consultant for the movie Goodfellas.
I suggested Joe Pesci for the role of the crazy made guy who was also the short guy in the movie. Well we all know Joe Pesci won an Oscar for his performance in the movie. But you probalbly don't know I wrote this scene in the movie which Joe Pesci delivered just like I knew he would. a la verga, my abuelita would be proud.
I ran a very sucessful roofing comapny for many years, I was one of the best roofers in the L.A. area. Since I was one of the best I, was recommended for jobs at the homes of some Hollywood celebrities. This is how I met Martin Scorcese and Clint Eastwood.
I met Martin Scorcese as he was casting for the movie Goodfellas, I told Martin Scorcese about my time with the mero-mero carnales of the Mexican Mafia. Martin Scorcese was so impressed with my stories, so I was hired as a consultant for the movie Goodfellas.
I suggested Joe Pesci for the role of the crazy made guy who was also the short guy in the movie. Well we all know Joe Pesci won an Oscar for his performance in the movie. But you probalbly don't know I wrote this scene in the movie which Joe Pesci delivered just like I knew he would. a la verga, my abuelita would be proud.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Health Care Debate, Nativists, Xenophobes and Robber Barons
Well, this escalation of right wing propaganda is right out of the book of Nazi Germany’s Brown Shirt demagoguery. The fear tactics of creeping Communism, ohhhhhhhhhh my!
The old divide and conquer by the robber baron gavachos has been used to dived the working class and minorites in the past.
- Obama’s actually a Mayate Muslim!
- The first step is taking away our guns!
- They’re gonna make old people commit suicide
- Don’t drink the water it’s a Govt plot!
- The United Nations has plans to turn us into a one world Govt!
- They’re gonna make us plant computer chips in our kids brains!
- The Mexicans have a plan for the reconquest of the USA! Quick call Sheriff Joe!
- The first step was the appointment to the Supreme Court of Sotomayor, she’s gonna take away white peoples rights and give them to the Mexicans!
- Universal Health Care for all is just the first step in forcing us Americans to accept Communism, look at what happened to Canada or Sweden!*The real power in the world is in the hands of the Illuminati, the Jews, the council on foreign relations, and the Reptilians who live in secret underground dwellings and who change into human form at will.
The old divide and conquer by the robber baron gavachos has been used to dived the working class and minorites in the past.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Pinche AnonyMousa is now calling me Donkey Joto. I am no joto, all the veteranos in the varrio know I am not a JOTO !!!! Pretty Boy and Mr Nalgas Duras, and Mi Chulo Boy will tell you I am not a Joto.
Also I don’t respond to the trolls comments, no matter how ignorant, xenophobic and now homophobic (joto is a very low down word for a homosexual male in slang Spanish), or vitriolic thier comment.
I don’t respond to the trolls comments, by Mary Cummins, because the bitch is a crazy xenophobe, who is filled with vitriol. Iwon't respond to any comments by Mary Cummins or Walter Moore.
That's right Mary Cummins and Walter Moore I don't care how many xenophobic vitriolic comments you make I won't respond to you. I am ignoring both of you, I am too important and smart to waste my time ansering any comments by you Mary Cummins !!!
If Mary Cummins or Walter Moore post any xenophobic vitriolic comment at any blogs I won't be mentioning your name Mary Cummins, and that also goes for the xenophobe Walter Moore.
Did you hear this messican Walter Mooore you racist xenophobe? That right Walter Moore I will not be responing to any comments by you. I will ignore all comments you make on MayorSam's blog about hearing messicans on the radio. Pinche Walter Moore hears messicans on the radio, I'm ignoring the vitriol of MinuteMan, Nativist, Xenophobe, Facist, Walter Moore.
The pinche trolls are just looking for attention on the blogs, have you noticed how Mary Cummins and Walter Moore have a story no matter the topic.
Also I don’t respond to the trolls comments, no matter how ignorant, xenophobic and now homophobic (joto is a very low down word for a homosexual male in slang Spanish), or vitriolic thier comment.
I don’t respond to the trolls comments, by Mary Cummins, because the bitch is a crazy xenophobe, who is filled with vitriol. Iwon't respond to any comments by Mary Cummins or Walter Moore.
That's right Mary Cummins and Walter Moore I don't care how many xenophobic vitriolic comments you make I won't respond to you. I am ignoring both of you, I am too important and smart to waste my time ansering any comments by you Mary Cummins !!!
If Mary Cummins or Walter Moore post any xenophobic vitriolic comment at any blogs I won't be mentioning your name Mary Cummins, and that also goes for the xenophobe Walter Moore.
Did you hear this messican Walter Mooore you racist xenophobe? That right Walter Moore I will not be responing to any comments by you. I will ignore all comments you make on MayorSam's blog about hearing messicans on the radio. Pinche Walter Moore hears messicans on the radio, I'm ignoring the vitriol of MinuteMan, Nativist, Xenophobe, Facist, Walter Moore.
The pinche trolls are just looking for attention on the blogs, have you noticed how Mary Cummins and Walter Moore have a story no matter the topic.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Pobre Crack-Head Blacks (Never Mayates)
With all the dialog concerning the multi billion dollar California prison system, and it’s deserved reputation as being bloated, broke, and ignominious in it’s failures in the eyes of the entire world. Wouldn’t it seem that this corrupt system of degradation and failure would be the first in line to be gutted and questioned as to it’s real worth to society? Instead education, health care, aid to the indigent and aged, and many other public commons institutions are being trimmed to the bone.I’m hearing from people who have family members incarcerated by the State of California that inmates without any money to buy additional food through legitimate means or through the underground pipeline found in most prisons, are living practically on bread and water.
Bob Herbert writing in the New York Times today, on the overzealous arrest of Prof Gates, racial profiling, and the ridiculous ratio of minority’s incarcerated compared to whites (especially for drug offenses). Herbert gives us these statistics about black men incarcerated, and if included, Latinos would really bump up these horrible numbers. And am I wrong or am I getting a feeling that the tragic death of young Lily Burk is starting to be used by certain "gavcho racist segments" of the population and press as Zeitgeist for promoting even further racist and class conscious get tough on crime laws and the propping up of the corrupted prison industrial complex?
“Anyone counseling a less militant approach is counseling self-defeat. As of mid-2008, there were 4,777 black men imprisoned in America for every 100,000 black men in the population. By comparison, there were only 727 white male inmates per 100,000 white men.While whites use illegal drugs at substantially higher percentages than blacks, black men are sent to prison on drug charges at 13 times the rate of white men.Most whites do not want to hear about racial problems, and President Obama would rather walk through fire than spend his time dealing with them. We’re never going to have a serious national conversation about race. So that leaves it up to ordinary black Americans to rant and to rave, to demonstrate and to lobby, to march and confront and to sue and generally do whatever is necessary to stop a continuing and deeply racist criminal justice outrage.”
Bob Herbert writing in the New York Times today, on the overzealous arrest of Prof Gates, racial profiling, and the ridiculous ratio of minority’s incarcerated compared to whites (especially for drug offenses). Herbert gives us these statistics about black men incarcerated, and if included, Latinos would really bump up these horrible numbers. And am I wrong or am I getting a feeling that the tragic death of young Lily Burk is starting to be used by certain "gavcho racist segments" of the population and press as Zeitgeist for promoting even further racist and class conscious get tough on crime laws and the propping up of the corrupted prison industrial complex?
“Anyone counseling a less militant approach is counseling self-defeat. As of mid-2008, there were 4,777 black men imprisoned in America for every 100,000 black men in the population. By comparison, there were only 727 white male inmates per 100,000 white men.While whites use illegal drugs at substantially higher percentages than blacks, black men are sent to prison on drug charges at 13 times the rate of white men.Most whites do not want to hear about racial problems, and President Obama would rather walk through fire than spend his time dealing with them. We’re never going to have a serious national conversation about race. So that leaves it up to ordinary black Americans to rant and to rave, to demonstrate and to lobby, to march and confront and to sue and generally do whatever is necessary to stop a continuing and deeply racist criminal justice outrage.”
Friday, July 31, 2009
Poverty, Pinche Police, Rich Gavachos
The more poverty there is, the less effect police have. In a capitalist system, as poverty increases police especially the LAPD will inevitably make less money, leaving most of them open to corruption. The extra law enforcement winds up becoming criminals themselves. So at the end of the day, you really don’t have extra police. Just more crime, with the same amount of yet to be corrupted police. Same goes for the border and the pinche INS agents. As their union gets busted, ironically by politicians put into power by the very same people who claim to need the border patrol to keep Mexicans out, they’re more open to corruption, as well.
Supply side conservatives gavachos live in some kind of fucking dreamworld where Americans think they will do the nation’s toughest jobs on the cheap.
No !!!
As it stands, only honest and hard working Mexicans seem to be willing to work hard. So, either unemployed Americans need a collective gut check, or supply side conservative gavachos and Robber Barons are going to have to start getting more realistic. The old divide and conquer will not work this time, "chale" to the rich gavachos.
Call it socialism if you will, But all that’s going to save this pinche gavacho run country, at this point, is taxing the rich gavachos.
Supply side conservatives gavachos live in some kind of fucking dreamworld where Americans think they will do the nation’s toughest jobs on the cheap.
No !!!
As it stands, only honest and hard working Mexicans seem to be willing to work hard. So, either unemployed Americans need a collective gut check, or supply side conservative gavachos and Robber Barons are going to have to start getting more realistic. The old divide and conquer will not work this time, "chale" to the rich gavachos.
Call it socialism if you will, But all that’s going to save this pinche gavacho run country, at this point, is taxing the rich gavachos.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pinche LAPD Only Works For the White Man
Did you all read the case about a young white girl Lily Burke?
Tu Sabes, if this were a Chicana from the Eastside the case would not get any publicity or never be solved. Pinche LAPD only works cases for the Gavachos con feria.
Did you all notice the bullshit artists, the reactionary white man’s burden types like Ron Kaye, the fourth estate lynch mobs, and all the other get tough on crime types have expelling all their hot air about the mayate who killed the white girl?
Looks like a low down mayate who is a pitiful, no account, lifetime petty thief, wino crackhead, homeless skid row bum was the killer.
Did you read the comments from the xenophobes and nativists who were blaming a gang-banger (code word for cholo aka illegal alien from mexico) for this crime.
Tu Sabes, if this were a Chicana from the Eastside the case would not get any publicity or never be solved. Pinche LAPD only works cases for the Gavachos con feria.
Did you all notice the bullshit artists, the reactionary white man’s burden types like Ron Kaye, the fourth estate lynch mobs, and all the other get tough on crime types have expelling all their hot air about the mayate who killed the white girl?
Looks like a low down mayate who is a pitiful, no account, lifetime petty thief, wino crackhead, homeless skid row bum was the killer.
Did you read the comments from the xenophobes and nativists who were blaming a gang-banger (code word for cholo aka illegal alien from mexico) for this crime.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Economics 101 - Fuck Laissez faire Capitalism
Twenty years and the melt down of laissez faire Capitalism, the Bush/Cheney years of fascism, and the great equalizer, life itself, seems to have taken a toll on our society and created so many gangs, poverty, crime, unemployment, vile racism, draconian prisons and gentriying hipsters in L.A. Eastside !!!
And now he have many xenophobes in California making the hard working honest undocumented mexican immigrants a scape-goat the pinche robber barons !!!!
The gavacho republicans are the new Nazis and the immigrants are the New Jews !!!!
Fuck the Robber barons !!!!!
Fuck Bush and Cheney !!!!!
Fuck Mary Cummins !!!!!
Fuck Walter Moore !!!!!
Fuck the Minutemen !!!
And now he have many xenophobes in California making the hard working honest undocumented mexican immigrants a scape-goat the pinche robber barons !!!!
The gavacho republicans are the new Nazis and the immigrants are the New Jews !!!!
Fuck the Robber barons !!!!!
Fuck Bush and Cheney !!!!!
Fuck Mary Cummins !!!!!
Fuck Walter Moore !!!!!
Fuck the Minutemen !!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
We Don't Need No Stinking Gavachos ih Highland Park !!!
Some Highland Park vatos took care of business and chased out some pendejo gavachos on bicycles. We in Eastside know how to represnt our varrio and keep out the gentrifying gavachos. The gavachos don't belong in East Los Angeles, the gavchos want to take over East Los Angeles, but we know what's up....
The bicycle phenomenon known as Midnight Ridazz had a near tragedy as they rode down Avenue 52 this past Friday night. Around midnight (hence the name), as hundreds of cyclists were making their way from Griffith Park, through Highland Park, and on their way over to Lincoln Heights during the Neverland-themed ride, the group was attacked as they descended down Avenue 52 just before the Pasadena Freeway at Bomer Drive.
When the rolling mass of cyclists with blinking lights, bells, horns, and amplified music trailers went rolling by a house party on 52, the occupants there started yelling, “Fuck you white boys!” (despite the diverse crowd of men and women of every skin color) As the blocks-long group of bikes continued to pass, the group of men in the yard started throwing beer bottles, pots, and anything they could find at the cyclists. (As of this post, there was still bits of broken Corona bottles and white ceramic shards in the Avenue there.) Then they came at them with shovels and started knocking people off bikes and successfully manage to steal one bike from a local cyclist as he was dodging a swinging shovel.
The bicycle phenomenon known as Midnight Ridazz had a near tragedy as they rode down Avenue 52 this past Friday night. Around midnight (hence the name), as hundreds of cyclists were making their way from Griffith Park, through Highland Park, and on their way over to Lincoln Heights during the Neverland-themed ride, the group was attacked as they descended down Avenue 52 just before the Pasadena Freeway at Bomer Drive.
When the rolling mass of cyclists with blinking lights, bells, horns, and amplified music trailers went rolling by a house party on 52, the occupants there started yelling, “Fuck you white boys!” (despite the diverse crowd of men and women of every skin color) As the blocks-long group of bikes continued to pass, the group of men in the yard started throwing beer bottles, pots, and anything they could find at the cyclists. (As of this post, there was still bits of broken Corona bottles and white ceramic shards in the Avenue there.) Then they came at them with shovels and started knocking people off bikes and successfully manage to steal one bike from a local cyclist as he was dodging a swinging shovel.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pinche Robber Baron Gavachos !!!!!
Things are tough out here, money’s too tight to mention, and even the people who have a little coin are hanging on to it like it’s gonna be their last dime. That’s not good for the economy!
And after all the bail outs of the probably doomed laissez faire Capitalist financial system including Wall St first and foremost, here “we” sit, shitting in our pants and waiting for the axe to fall at the plantation cotton fields. The only way out of the situation in my opinion, and according to many other’s I respect, is jobs, jobs, jobs, and I don’t mean flipping burgers down at McDonald’s but good paying jobs.
Enough of the failed right wing trickle down theory of economics, aka dog eat dog until Masta drops the bone, If Obama continues to listen to Wall St lackeys like Geithner to the detriment of the people who need jobs, medical care, debt relief, and a say so in how our country is managed then he may find himself out of a job and kicking empty beer cans down the road.
And after all the bail outs of the probably doomed laissez faire Capitalist financial system including Wall St first and foremost, here “we” sit, shitting in our pants and waiting for the axe to fall at the plantation cotton fields. The only way out of the situation in my opinion, and according to many other’s I respect, is jobs, jobs, jobs, and I don’t mean flipping burgers down at McDonald’s but good paying jobs.
Enough of the failed right wing trickle down theory of economics, aka dog eat dog until Masta drops the bone, If Obama continues to listen to Wall St lackeys like Geithner to the detriment of the people who need jobs, medical care, debt relief, and a say so in how our country is managed then he may find himself out of a job and kicking empty beer cans down the road.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mexicans Being Hunted by Minutemen.
Three people including a ten-year-old girl were shot in their Southern Arizona home by vigilante Minuteman racists. The little girl and her father died. If this happened to a black family in Alabama or a Jewish family anywhere in the USA you know there would be serious consequences and outrage among the American public.
But with the US economy in shambles and unemployment at record levels the Mexican American population is now the whipping boy for the countries ills? Will the FBI and Justice Dept now take a second look at these right wing militias and racist goons who are assassinating innocent Mexicans are thier kids?
Whites are turning more violent as their frustration with an African American President and a more multi-cultural society turns to rage and terrorism.
Our country is now like Hitler's Nazi Germany where no Mexican is safe on the streets.
Patriotism is the last bastion of racists, scoundrels amd Minutemen !!!
Three people including a ten-year-old girl were shot in their Southern Arizona home by vigilante Minuteman racists. The little girl and her father died. If this happened to a black family in Alabama or a Jewish family anywhere in the USA you know there would be serious consequences and outrage among the American public.
But with the US economy in shambles and unemployment at record levels the Mexican American population is now the whipping boy for the countries ills? Will the FBI and Justice Dept now take a second look at these right wing militias and racist goons who are assassinating innocent Mexicans are thier kids?
Whites are turning more violent as their frustration with an African American President and a more multi-cultural society turns to rage and terrorism.
Our country is now like Hitler's Nazi Germany where no Mexican is safe on the streets.
Patriotism is the last bastion of racists, scoundrels amd Minutemen !!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Pinche Robber Barons !!!!!

When times get tough and jobs are scarce then the powers that be turn against the cheap labor pool (usually minorities, wherever in the world), and use the old “divide and conquer” scam to pit working people against themselves, usually using racism, xenophobia and nativism as tools to scapegoat a selected group and class. It’s an old old strategy that seems to work every time. MLK was tolerated as a spokesman for racial equality and civil rights but the minute he moved into the realm of representing all working people and had the temerity to represent and support the strike by the Memphis Sanitation Workers, and started speaking up for all workers rights he was attacked as a Commie agitator, provoking class warfare, and was quickly assassinated.
The 1% who make up the wealthy monopoly capitalist class, and their lackeys, always scream foul when someone points out the gross inequities of economics used to prop up these supply siders and robber barons. They like to keep it quiet and on the down low between themselves, but revert to screaming about class warfare when put in the spotlight by someone, and always use the old divide and conquer trick that is based on racism and xenophobia. Hitler did it with his “Brown Shirts” and beer hall butt buddies and the racist “Minutemen” types fall right into the same category.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hey Pendejos We Need More Tax Money for Cholos !!!!

The worst offender was Tony Rafael, at his blog “InTheHat.blogspot” (inactive for sometime now…), claiming that social programs have not prevented one kid he knows of from joining a gang. Of course, the million dollar question is, how many kids in gang neighborhoods does he know? Also, how does he know that the kids who participate in the programs wouldn’t have become gang members if not for the program? That’s just one example of the far fetched data these white tax payer groups rest on.
Also, is it fair to say that law enforcement and prisons have done nothing to stop crime, either? Seems the money we throw toward law enforcement winds up blowing in the wind, too. The end result is that they just wind up needing MORE money. Where’s the results for the money given to them? If police are to credit gangs for the decay of neighborhoods, then by contrast if gang members are taken off the streets, neighborhoods should get better. They don’t. Because the money does not go the poor victimized gang members.
This tells me that either the pinche police are too stupid to understand, that we need to give tax money to the poor victimized gang members and mexican immigrants !!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Pinche Rob Thomas telling Raza about East Los Angeles .... A La Verga

Why is this Wigger called Rob Thomas, from Sacramento telling the raza from East Los Angeles about life in the Varrio? This gavacho is bien pendejo, this Mamon, doesn't believe that some veteranos were handing out flyers during the L.A. Riots of 1992.
Tu sabes that chicanos and raza have mad love for our varrio, we are NOT like the mayates who were buring their own "Hood".
I know a few mero mero veteranos who were keeping the young homies in check and told the chavalitos to don't be burning our Varrio like the mayates. A Veterano I know from Highland Parque was making sure no mayates came into East Los Angeles and burn any taco stands or liquor stores. My Tia Conchita's taco stand was protected by some young homies from Highland Parque under the orders of "Big Chalupa", a veterano I have know since we were kids. "Big Chalupa" has control of a large section of East Los Angeles and has my respect and admiration.
A special shout out to Sniper, El Travieseo, Casper, Spooky, and Big Betty for protectiong my Tia Conchita's place.
Me and my familia have lived in East Los Angeles for generations and NO PINCHE GAVACHO is going to school me about anything in the East Los Angeles. So SNS aka Rob Thomas ....STFU !!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pinche LAPD, Harrasing Latino Lakers Fans Again !!!!
You knew the racist LAPD would be harrasing the Latino Lakers fans who were celebrating the Lakers victory. Did you notice how NO gavachos in West L.A. were arrested after the Lakers Victory? Pinche jura were only arrsting innocent chicanos, nothing has changed since the Sleepy Hollow days in East Los Angeles. The vitriol towards the chicanos is very telling of the xenophobes in the LAPD. SNS and I need to run the LAPD and bring real change to Los Angeles, if I were running the LAPD there would be no crime because cops would be serving the expolited chicanos of East Los Angeles instead of arresting them. The draconian LAPD must be shut down immediately !!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Pinche Miga, Pinche INS, Pinche LAPD, Pince MinuteMen, Pinche RedNecks.
(Baby dq, with madre, abuela, y bisabuela in Lincoln Hts 1946),

My great Grandmother, I still remember her, her whole life was dedicated to her family, illiterate, she never spoke a word of English except ‘Sanganabichi”! Her mother was born in Mexico, in what later became New Mexico Territory. Her tombstone inside Calvary reads “Querida Madre y Abuela”, I’m glad she’s dead and in peace or “la migra”, LAPD, MinuteMen and RedNecks would be chasing her ass down ! The Pinche Migra, MinuteMen and LAPD chased by abuelita all over New Mexico and the EastSide of Los Angeles.
My abuelita ran the first marathon running from the pinche migra, the "maraton" was named after my abuelita's run from the expolitive gavachos.

My great Grandmother, I still remember her, her whole life was dedicated to her family, illiterate, she never spoke a word of English except ‘Sanganabichi”! Her mother was born in Mexico, in what later became New Mexico Territory. Her tombstone inside Calvary reads “Querida Madre y Abuela”, I’m glad she’s dead and in peace or “la migra”, LAPD, MinuteMen and RedNecks would be chasing her ass down ! The Pinche Migra, MinuteMen and LAPD chased by abuelita all over New Mexico and the EastSide of Los Angeles.
My abuelita ran the first marathon running from the pinche migra, the "maraton" was named after my abuelita's run from the expolitive gavachos.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I remember when me and Joe Mailander were good compadres, but now Joe Mailander is xenophobe like Walter Moore, Mary Cummins, Gava Joe, Gonzo, Anonymousa nd all the other fat Minutemen from Kansas !!!!!
Did you vatos read the vitriol on Joe Mamon's blog? jejejeje hahaha
"The Mayor's education "plan" simply stated is to rob as much as he can from (largely Anglo) LA homeowners (who already pay hefty State education taxes) and give the largess to (largely immigrant) LAUSD students. Any opinion or even dialog that doesn't service that plan is not welcome in local quotidien print media, though national media such as the New Yorker do seem interested in alternative approaches."
Joe needs a menudo enema, I remember when me an Joe would drink Ramos Gin Fizz drinks prepared by my favorite Japanese bartender his nickname is "Chino". Sabes que Joe Mamon, go fuck yoursef, you pinche gavacho.
Did you vatos read the vitriol on Joe Mamon's blog? jejejeje hahaha
"The Mayor's education "plan" simply stated is to rob as much as he can from (largely Anglo) LA homeowners (who already pay hefty State education taxes) and give the largess to (largely immigrant) LAUSD students. Any opinion or even dialog that doesn't service that plan is not welcome in local quotidien print media, though national media such as the New Yorker do seem interested in alternative approaches."
Joe needs a menudo enema, I remember when me an Joe would drink Ramos Gin Fizz drinks prepared by my favorite Japanese bartender his nickname is "Chino". Sabes que Joe Mamon, go fuck yoursef, you pinche gavacho.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hey Pendejo......Here is Your Coconut !!!!!
Some Pendejo is saying shit about me being a self-hating Mexican, NO Seas Pendejo !!!
I love being Mexican and everything Mexican !!! I Love M&M's, that's Menudo and Mariachis for the WestSide gavachos who don't know mierda !!!!!
Below is a picture of a real COCONUT, his name is Albert Gonzales aka GONZO. This coconut worked for Bush and Cheney the last robber baron gavachos in the WhiteHouse controlling the lana, feria, dinero of the working class and giving the feria away to the robber gavachos on Wall Street.
I wonder if Mary Cummins or Walter Moore is posting mierda on my blog ??? They are two very sneaking xenophobes and trolls spewing there vile vitriol on the Internet.
I love being Mexican and everything Mexican !!! I Love M&M's, that's Menudo and Mariachis for the WestSide gavachos who don't know mierda !!!!!
Below is a picture of a real COCONUT, his name is Albert Gonzales aka GONZO. This coconut worked for Bush and Cheney the last robber baron gavachos in the WhiteHouse controlling the lana, feria, dinero of the working class and giving the feria away to the robber gavachos on Wall Street.
I wonder if Mary Cummins or Walter Moore is posting mierda on my blog ??? They are two very sneaking xenophobes and trolls spewing there vile vitriol on the Internet.
A Pinche Coconut !!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pinche Gavacho Marachi Taking Over The Eastside !!!!!

Pinche Gavachos want to takeover the Eastside, see the evidence in these pictures of the Pinche Gavacho Marachi !!!!! A La Verga !!!!!
The newbie faux LA Eastside besmirchers are screaming reverse racism, the story’s about Mexicans beating up white people and otherwise just scaring them with some bogeyman Mexican vodoo juju.Must be hell on these gentrifuckers to have to mingle with all the brown pagan gangsters that they claim lurk around every dark alley looking to rape and pillage them.
Funny though, because as I recall, being a lifelong LA Eastsider, there have always been white folks living among us heathens, lots of fence jumping and race mixing too! These gentrifuckers remind me of the current knashing of teeth and wailing by the right wing wing in claiming all Latino politicians or Latinos in positions of power are practicing reverse rascism. Look at the crocodile tears and outrage thrown up over the nomination of Judge SOnia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice.The same bastards who have been practicing legalized or at least de facto racism for about 500 years calling someone else a racist due to thier being protective about thier history.What a lame ass smokescreen.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A La Verga...This Abuelita is also firme..
A la Verga, This abuelita said "que comen verga", jajajaja.
Maybe she is talking to Don Quixote. jejejejeje
You know Walter Moore, the Minutemen, Gava Joe and
Mary Cummin's abuelita raised puro redneck pendejos. jejeje
A post to honor Firme abuelitas, but my abuelita is better than your abuelita !!!!!
An abuelita with a fully automatic weapon is firme and can do a drive by with the older veteranos, a la verga !!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pinche Walter Moore (Hears Meessicans), Minutemen, Gava Joe, Lou Dobbs, Mary Cummins, Anony-Mousa, Robber Barons, Mayates, Changos, Mike Higby
Inspired by El Chavo’s post, on the resistance to the Gold Line route on the Eastside being called the Edward Roybal “Linea de Oro” . I just shake my head a have another drink of wine. Here you have a route named after the great Edward Roybal who was one of the founders of the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), who was the first Mexican American LA City Councilman since 1870 or something, first Chicano US Congressman, the first Congressman to get bilingual education into the schools as law, a spokesman for all minority people and probably the greatest Mexican American political leader of the 20th century, from the LA Eastside, (and Roosevelt High), the Honorable Edward Roybal.
But no sir, wait just a minute, we don’t want to piss off Lou Dobbs, Walter (my car radio is speaking to me in Spanish), Moore, The Minutemen, English only nabobs, and the fearful of Latino power, lying sanganabeetches, who oppose any Spanish language in public. Because in reality they fear to their bone marrow the rise of Latino Americans and see the name “Linea de Oro” as a threat.
What bullshit! Even though they live in a city called Los Angeles, in a state called California, have next door neighbors (Mexico), who speak the Spanish language, they piss their pants if anyone dare propose any further Spanish language inroads into the holy grail of Anglo America.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Pinche Gavacho Robber Barons are Coming to the East Side !!!!
Viva La Revolucion!!!
Yo ti espero, mi General!
Estamos listos pa la batalla contra Los Gentrimanderers, pero they already have a foothold in Highland Park and Lincoln Hts. Estos cabrones are muy sneaky and have already taken over parts of the Eastside and changed the names to Garvanza, Montecito Hts, Hermon, and the Brewery lofts. They are even calling parts of the Avenues, Highland Park and Cypress Park, “Mt Washington”, Frogtown has been under attack by real estate developers who refer to it as Silverlake. Elephant Hill in El Sereno has been taken forcefully by Yuppie developers as a future fortress of Gentrification, and La Chismosa, Hortensia found out from Comadre Chole that the First and Boyle area is to be developed as a combination upscale Calle Olvera and Pasadena Old Town called Quesadillaville. Sepa!
Mira mi General, lo que paso in Brooklyn NY.
To the barricades!
Yo ti espero, mi General!
Estamos listos pa la batalla contra Los Gentrimanderers, pero they already have a foothold in Highland Park and Lincoln Hts. Estos cabrones are muy sneaky and have already taken over parts of the Eastside and changed the names to Garvanza, Montecito Hts, Hermon, and the Brewery lofts. They are even calling parts of the Avenues, Highland Park and Cypress Park, “Mt Washington”, Frogtown has been under attack by real estate developers who refer to it as Silverlake. Elephant Hill in El Sereno has been taken forcefully by Yuppie developers as a future fortress of Gentrification, and La Chismosa, Hortensia found out from Comadre Chole that the First and Boyle area is to be developed as a combination upscale Calle Olvera and Pasadena Old Town called Quesadillaville. Sepa!
Mira mi General, lo que paso in Brooklyn NY.
To the barricades!
Friday, January 9, 2009
SNS is a very esmart Vato - El Vato is a verdadero compadre
Orale to my compadre SNS (Still No Script), the vato knows I am smarter than Gava Joe and Lil Gonzo. Pinche Lil Gonzo and Gavacho Joe have been talking shit about me all over the Internet, but SNS has been keeping the babosos "named" Gavacho Joe and Lil Gonzo in check.........orale SNS tu sabes mucho.
Next time SNS is in L.A. I am inviting SNS for some of the best menudo and huevos rancheros he has ever had.
The pinche coconut Lil Gonzo and Gava "Joker" Joe will get a hot menudo enema....a la verga.
We know the babosos on BarfInThehat are cops who wish they were like the firme Sureno Homies....hahahaha
Next time SNS is in L.A. I am inviting SNS for some of the best menudo and huevos rancheros he has ever had.
The pinche coconut Lil Gonzo and Gava "Joker" Joe will get a hot menudo enema....a la verga.
We know the babosos on BarfInThehat are cops who wish they were like the firme Sureno Homies....hahahaha

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