Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pinche LAPD, Harrasing Latino Lakers Fans Again !!!!
You knew the racist LAPD would be harrasing the Latino Lakers fans who were celebrating the Lakers victory. Did you notice how NO gavachos in West L.A. were arrested after the Lakers Victory? Pinche jura were only arrsting innocent chicanos, nothing has changed since the Sleepy Hollow days in East Los Angeles. The vitriol towards the chicanos is very telling of the xenophobes in the LAPD. SNS and I need to run the LAPD and bring real change to Los Angeles, if I were running the LAPD there would be no crime because cops would be serving the expolited chicanos of East Los Angeles instead of arresting them. The draconian LAPD must be shut down immediately !!!!!

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No gavachos arrested in WLA
maybe because the "gavachos" know how to act. They celebrate with pride instead of destroying the city...because of a win. Doesn't make sense.
no its becuase the lapd goes past them and grabs the first mexican they can see.
The LAPD is know for their hate of mexicans and harrasement of anybody with brown skin.
The LAPD responsible for the existance of gangs in Los Angeles, innocent latinos formed gangs to protect themselves from the LAPD.
Every LAPD cop is a RedNeck conservative who hates latinos, read my comment about the cops in East Los Angeles. The LAPD regulary comments at BaffInTheHat blog, I have reported the cops to blogger many times for their hate speech and vile racism !!!
Chimalti said...
It’s life in Los Angeles…
That's what Rob doesn't undersatnd and never will. Stuff like that doesn't happen in Sac so when he see's it on T.V it's such a travesty.
You know it's eating SNS up that this blog is still up and running. He thought his snitch tactics to Jose MaleHandler would get you shut down for sure. I know he said he wouldn't comment , but you can bet your ass he's checking in everyday to see if you're still here. Good work Gon...ooops I mean Don
If they would have had ICE out there instead of the LAPD I bet there wouldn't have been as many problems
Looks like SNS has earned some new enemies at eastside.
The kid sure wasted a LOT of words and still emerged whipped. He bobbed, he weaved, he rope-a-doped but just couldn't stop the knockout in the 86th round.
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