Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Hollywood Connection

I know I have usually discuss and inform the working class and latinos about the divide and conquer ploy being used the rich whites aka the robber barons, but today I will be sahring my connection to Hollywood.

I ran a very sucessful roofing comapny for many years, I was one of the best roofers in the L.A. area. Since I was one of the best I, was recommended for jobs at the homes of some Hollywood celebrities. This is how I met Martin Scorcese and Clint Eastwood.

I met Martin Scorcese as he was casting for the movie Goodfellas, I told Martin Scorcese about my time with the mero-mero carnales of the Mexican Mafia. Martin Scorcese was so impressed with my stories, so I was hired as a consultant for the movie Goodfellas.

I suggested Joe Pesci for the role of the crazy made guy who was also the short guy in the movie. Well we all know Joe Pesci won an Oscar for his performance in the movie. But you probalbly don't know I wrote this scene in the movie which Joe Pesci delivered just like I knew he would. a la verga, my abuelita would be proud.


Rob Thomas said...

Don Culo you should write a book about your life, you have so many wonderful stories.

I love gangster movies and gangsters, and I have mad love for the cholos from East Los Angeles.

Anonymous said...

it should be "made love to"
not "mad love for"

Barf in the Hat said...

"Mad love" works too, Rob. I need to remember that Rob next timw we commend you for your intense knowledge of gangsters and the streetlife. Ya got mad love fer it.

Also anyone may want to look closely to the nightclub scene from Goodfellas. You'll see Don Q sitting over in the corner slurping his menudo. Marty told him he could do a bit cameo if he'd give him his arbuelita's recipe for huevos rancheros.
Later on you'll remember the scene where he and DeNiro have the supposed dead made ex-con in the trunk and they stopped at Peschi's Mom's for a shovel and she fed them? Well after much deliberation the dish was settled on pasta, but DQ insisted it should have been sopa de tripa. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Don, I remember Pesci thanking you for your help in his acceptance speach.