My great Grandmother, I still remember her, her whole life was dedicated to her family, illiterate, she never spoke a word of English except ‘Sanganabichi”! Her mother was born in Mexico, in what later became New Mexico Territory. Her tombstone inside Calvary reads “Querida Madre y Abuela”, I’m glad she’s dead and in peace or “la migra”, LAPD, MinuteMen and RedNecks would be chasing her ass down ! The Pinche Migra, MinuteMen and LAPD chased by abuelita all over New Mexico and the EastSide of Los Angeles.
My abuelita ran the first marathon running from the pinche migra, the "maraton" was named after my abuelita's run from the expolitive gavachos.
Another inspiring post, I'm glad you are exposing the Migra and their draconian methods of seperating hard working latino families whose only crime is woking for the robber barons.
The racism amd xenophobes must be exposed and you are the man for the job.
Nobody cares about you or your
illiterate abuelita!!!
Your abuelita spent most of her life in U.S.A. and never learned English? Don Culo your abuelita should have returned back to Mexico so she would be an illiterate "estupida."
And quit stalking me on the Internet you sick "Sanganabichi".
We at BaRf are not sure how to take this latest post, Don Culo. I can understand animosity for a fatmouth, and I can back your play to the hilt regarding his racist rants. I'm thinking maybe posting family photos is out of the box. Then again maybe I'm just jealous because you did it first.
Pinche Joeseph Mailander
ay Don, your jefita has some nice tits
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