Here is another example of racism and discrimination of the latinos living in the Eastside. Would a train be installed along a road like this in the Westside? Tu sabes the "Powers That Be" had an ulterior motive when they installed the train where latinos could walk or drive into the path of the trains.
My friends at L.A. Eastside bring up many valid arguments about the dangers these trains pose to the latinos, the gavachos did not consider the cultural and history of the pre-dominantly mexican heritage resident before installing the trains.
Was any consideration given to large number of low-riders around the trains. My cousin Chuey messed up his bumper crossing the tracks in his 64 Chevy Impala, we all know the gavachos drive high-profile SUVs but what about the low-riders.
I noticed there are no provisions for shopping carts on the trains, what about all the Taco vendors and Bacon Wrapped Hot-Dog vendors who use their shopping carts to cook our food. What are we supposed to eat?
The latinos of East Los Angeles are once again being short-chaanged and being placed in danger by the trains, how many women and kids will have to die before the trains are removed? The minute-man, nativists and robber barons are enjoying the death of our jente.
I agree with you, my Anglo Saxon ancestors have robbed and exploted from people of color for hundreds of years. The MTA trains in East Los Angeles are just like the trains the Nazis used to commit genocide against the Jews. George Bush and the Republicans almost converted this country into another Nazi Germany, thank god Obama saved us from a genocide.
I am so ashamed of my white skin that I will be painting my skin a dark brown color so I can feel more like the victims of the white illegal aliens from Europe.
I will continue to eat Tacos and drink Coronas to fell more latino, I am hoping to cook some menudo in the near future. I know my menudo will not compare to your great abuelita's menudo, but I am still in my transition from an Anglo to an Eastside Xicano. alrato mi amigo Don Culo
Rob Thomas
I see the fucking no-good TROLL rob thomas is stalking over here too. What a Peter Pan this guy is? Becareful though, he may very well appear as a political pundit, solving the world's problems faster than they arise. His bagging skills at Safeway are legendary. There are rumors that Special Olympics is trying a new event this yr. Speed Bagging.
I was going to delete the vitriol posted by Mr. Barf but I want everyone to read the words of a racist troll.
He is now even mocking the mentaly and phyiscally challenged.
The nativists, xenophobic racists like Barf have no compassion and show thier true motive.
Don Culo,
Delete the hate filled vitriol posted by Barf, and then give him a menudo enema !!!!!!!!!1
no big betty thats why they do this, now they are just looking for free menudo enema's. charge them racists.
Dung Culo,
Do answer this where does your hyprocrisy end? When you stop being racist maybe others will stop being racist toward your kind (OH YOU CAN'T?) Well stop whining you stinking wormy bag of shit.
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