Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Pinche Gavacho Robber Barons are Coming to the East Side !!!!

Viva La Revolucion!!!

Yo ti espero, mi General!

Estamos listos pa la batalla contra Los Gentrimanderers, pero they already have a foothold in Highland Park and Lincoln Hts. Estos cabrones are muy sneaky and have already taken over parts of the Eastside and changed the names to Garvanza, Montecito Hts, Hermon, and the Brewery lofts. They are even calling parts of the Avenues, Highland Park and Cypress Park, “Mt Washington”, Frogtown has been under attack by real estate developers who refer to it as Silverlake. Elephant Hill in El Sereno has been taken forcefully by Yuppie developers as a future fortress of Gentrification, and La Chismosa, Hortensia found out from Comadre Chole that the First and Boyle area is to be developed as a combination upscale Calle Olvera and Pasadena Old Town called Quesadillaville. Sepa!

Mira mi General, lo que paso in Brooklyn NY.
To the barricades!


Anonymous said...

Dumb Shit Quixote! Listen to him presch his poison and vitriolic puke. This is truly a disgrace to all mankind, let alone the Latino community. For shame foolio, for shame.

Anonymous said...

Don, stop spending all of your time at Eastside and post something new over here. You lazy beaner , you haven't posted anything new since Janurary. Al a verga.