My pinche gavacho boss make me wash these fucking ranflas !!!!!
The white pendejos never come into my varrio to eat menudo or elotes and enjoy the ranchera music blasting from a paisa's truck. You can see some firme plakas/artwork from the Avenues homies on walls all over Highland Park.
I’m going to have to be dismissive incredulous of the pinche gavachos alibi of ignorance and claim that the LA Eastside neighborhoods do not have specific zip codes, and they can't find our varrio.
It’s very simple to envision and locate the LA Eastside, hundreds of thousands of people for generations have done so, despite being quasi-invisible and denigrated by other citizens from West of the Eastside as Mexican gangsters, illegal aliens, and uncultured heathens to be feared and avoided except as a pool for cheap labor or easy marks when their homes and land were needed for some forced urban renewal public works project like freeway building or gov’t building projects.
The LA Eastside is the area East of Downtown or the LA River inside the City of Los Angeles and the LA County area called East Los Angeles.Got It?The 4300 block of West Sunset Blvd (home of GROWkidsGrow), is not on the LA Eastside despite all attempts at economic or egoistic gerrymandering.
Fuck all the Gavachos,, especially the gavachos with a good job, a BMW and feria.
I know how to find the Eastside. I just follow the taco trucks.
You see how racist the pinche gavachos are !!!!
I was going to delete the comment, but I want everyone to see how paranoid and racist the white man is !!!!!!!!!!!1
Only the mayates are more racist.
you must expose the mayates,crackers, and chinos for the racist that they are. your doing gods work here don.
Don Culo aka Don Quixote is always on the job and exposing the racist gavachos and mayates.
Give him a bowl of menudo and let's all celebrate, orale !!!!!!!!!!
don quixote, is your car your sancho panza?
this blog was funny at first, now it's just lame. especially since we all know donculo is a gavacho. or is he a mayate?
work on your writing skills nicka! maybe take some more creative writing courses at ucla extension or something.
truchas we got gavachos in here trying to stir shit up again. stick to mayor sams whitey we don't let no stinking mayates or racist in here.
There are no tintos or changos in here. they're all over at SNS World trying to get their jheri curls set for Halloween. Sfsns' stunk up half of Sactown with those vile hair products. Before he started sculpting jheris he practiced that Ike Turner look. You know the one that looked like crooked skid marks on black ice? Why can't the "New Guy" wear his hair there? Lookin like Rick James negotiating with Generals for the complete capitulation of the Afghans... Oh Yeah As if! Rick James couldn't maintain a serious drug habit for anytime before he meltdown. The Afghani warlords been scuffling for thousands of years. Tell me, just WHO does Obama owe to continue this futile agression? Who pulls his strings? The real irony is all the moves he seems to make of late appear as ones you'd expect from the Red Dogs not 2 years ago.. Fancy that. Imagine a super-stealthy group of power mongers and robber barons accompanied by baroness' in burkhas. How they in colluded malfeasance with the Ford Company schemed to undermine and takeover GM. You might as well imagine some creative shit to get through the intermission, but rest assured the main feature surely won't fail to entertain. My stockbroker told me to buy food and ammo. He's an optimist.. Sorry I got off topic, Don. Fuck the Gavas, Mayates, and Rednecks. Fuck the Republicans and the vitriolic Draconians,the powers that be, and the military-industrial complex. Fuck the Rubix Cube too. Fuck that hipster menudo that subs tofu for tripas y patas. Fuck fags in the miiitary, fuck gray marriage., no one over 59 should be allowed to marry. The thought of them trying to fruilessly breed is atrocious. Fuck the wingnut Mayor Sam Higby (except the nationally lauded AssClown Award).. Don gets the Lifetime AssClown decree for most nominated.Fuck Barfinthehat. It's a cesspool of hatred but albeit clever views on the current times.
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