Next time SNS is in L.A. I am inviting SNS for some of the best menudo and huevos rancheros he has ever had.
The pinche coconut Lil Gonzo and Gava "Joker" Joe will get a hot menudo enema....a la verga.
We know the babosos on BarfInThehat are cops who wish they were like the firme Sureno Homies....hahahaha

SNS is a lying puke and if you don't admit to that fact you'll wind up in the same hole he'll be in soon enough.
I gotta agree with you there sir Don Q. SNS is a firme vato. He's so knowledgable. This vato knows everything about gangs from So.Cal to Nor.Cal,probably Oregon, Washington , N.Y and even Kansas. I know I speak for the rest of us from ITH and BITH when I say I wish I had that kind of knowledge. With all that chisme that SNS knows I wonder why he still surf's blogs instead of writing the most firme vato loco movie ever?
that made me laugh sns, at least it ws funny.
A whole post dedicated to me? You're too kind. I can't wait til the next time I'm in L.A. I should be there in about 2 weeks and I would love to have some Menudo with you. But why only enema's for Gava Joe and Lil Gonzo? I want one too.
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