Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pinche Hispsters - Get the Hell Out of My Varrio !!!!!!!

For those of you who don't know who to recognize a pinche cabron - hipster, I am providing some pictures. Remember if you see a pinche hipster in East Los Angeles, chase thier asses's out East L.A. with a broom stick and if you catch a pinche hipster, give them a menudo enema so they don't return to East L.A. (my abuelita can provide some very hot and spicy menudo).

This pinche Hipster didn't want me take his picture, I better not catch his ass in Highland Parque, the carnales will take care of his ass, tu sabes, you know how we do it in Highland Parque.


conchita said...

Don Culo,

If you need any menudo for the hipster enemas, just let me know.

All of my friends and familia in in East L.A. are glad you are keeping watch on the damn hipsters.

These cabrones have not been buying bacon wrapped hot dogs, fuita with chilie, or eleotes to help support my Tia.

These pendejos have been spending their money at Starbucks

Don Realidad said...


i knew you were a hipster. do you live in echo park? how big is your trust fund? do you suck cock everyday or only when you're on coke?

Anonymous said...

Hipsters are people TOO! I saw one "tagging" a wall in HP with his Frat name in Greek letters. It was pretty classy, and he wore a teal respirator from LL Bean.

Anonymous said...

those are hipsters, to bad sns doesn't realize he is a hipster too.

santiago said...

Don Culo,

I saw some of those pinche hipsters around my varrio, and now the streets are being cleaned, I hate clean streets !!!!

Pinche hipsters and clean streets !!!!

Anonymous said...

whats next, i saw one cleaning all my plaques off what the fuck now i have to go buy more sray paint.

Anonymous said...

"Plaques"??? What R U? A fucking Gava Hipster Lesbo Lovin Technoocrat?

Anonymous said...


The pinche hipster don't even listen to Art LeBow oldies or drive low riders.

The hipsters are not firme like my homies.

Anonymous said...

what are you Dislexicon , fucking hipsters there everywhere.

Anonymous said...

here don i found more hipsters

you got to check out this blog

latfh stands for look at this fucking hipster

Anonymous said...

^^^ you gotta check out that blog