Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Firme Song, My Grand-Kids Love This Song

Give this CD to your grand-kids for Christmas it's got a firme beat.

Me and the old carnales got 20 copies for Christmas, we have lots of grand-kids.

Bush Is The Devil

Hugo Chavez knows Bush is the devil

Pinche republicans are facist and imperialist and keep opressing our Raza.

We know the raza are in gangs because of the gavacho controlled system.

Hugo Chavez the hero of our raza.

Pinche Mayate - Quit Whining You Low Life Mayates

The Pinche Maytes are always whining and blaming the "Man" and the "System".

We all know the mayates are just low down dirty, lazy and uneducated.

These low lifes need to quit talking about slavery and blaming every body elese.

Pinche Al Shaprton needs to tell the mayates to get off thier lazy ass.

I am tired of all the lazy mayates expecting a hand-out, fuck the mayates, they need to get a job.

Pinche Mayates Quit Whining

Pinche Mayates always blaming the "Man" and the "System" for thier problems.

Those lazy mayates need to get off thier lazy ass and go to school and get a job.

The mayates still talk about slavery and old shit today, bitch, bitch, that is all the

lazy mayates know what to do.

Pinche Homer and Jethro

Pinche Homer and Jethro, these rednecks don't know shit about our raza.

Me and Little Loca

Me and my grand-daughter (Little Loca) we like to watch American me and read Wally's new book Mexican Mafia together. She loves to here my stories about me and the carnales. Sometimes the carnales also tell Little Loca about our Vida Loca. I am making sure she is learning about our raza. Orlae que firme !!!

Bush is Hitler (see Big Lokote at -6:21 on video)

Big Lokote knows the score, Bush is Hitler!!!
Fuck the whites and republicnas, they are are the devil!!!
Jethro and Homer are the devils in the trailer park!!! (lol)

Pinche Republicans - Pinche Gavachos

Pinche republicans and George Bush, I have to work at the pinche junk yard in San Fernando Valley because of the facist republicans. The crooks in Washington have all given the good job to the gavachos. A la verga!!!Fuck George Bush and the system, the raza is very esmart, que no. I remember when I was smoking some mota back in school, the gavachos had the best mota, pinche gavachos.