Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Care Debate, Nativists, Xenophobes and Robber Barons

Well, this escalation of right wing propaganda is right out of the book of Nazi Germany’s Brown Shirt demagoguery. The fear tactics of creeping Communism, ohhhhhhhhhh my!

  1. Obama’s actually a Mayate Muslim!
  2. The first step is taking away our guns!
  3. They’re gonna make old people commit suicide
  4. Don’t drink the water it’s a Govt plot!
  5. The United Nations has plans to turn us into a one world Govt!
  6. They’re gonna make us plant computer chips in our kids brains!
  7. The Mexicans have a plan for the reconquest of the USA! Quick call Sheriff Joe!
  8. The first step was the appointment to the Supreme Court of Sotomayor, she’s gonna take away white peoples rights and give them to the Mexicans!
  9. Universal Health Care for all is just the first step in forcing us Americans to accept Communism, look at what happened to Canada or Sweden!*The real power in the world is in the hands of the Illuminati, the Jews, the council on foreign relations, and the Reptilians who live in secret underground dwellings and who change into human form at will.
The only thing surprising about this old right wing fear campaign is how many people want to believe it.

The old divide and conquer by the robber baron gavachos has been used to dived the working class and minorites in the past.


Anonymous said...

We need to form a strong union of non-believers to man the taco stands while people are freed up to protest and blech indiscriminately at every damned gavacho who raises thier heads.

Anonymous said...

That shood have been "belch" but I dunt spel sho well.

Hiroshi said...

Ah So this is a fine blog. Misser Culo knows much and saze it very well here. Can he maybe help my family stop all the messicans moving in my nayborhud? They kids paint stuff on all ta walls and the place smells like chili all da time. zank yu

Anonymous said...

Lookout for the asteo-turfers. It's one of don foible's latest quips. It's not very original or even all that funny, but he likes it. Must. He uses it tirelessly.

Anonymous said...

What a fucking dork !!! Gives Democratic/hard working/tax paying Latinos a bad rep.

Anonymous said...

i know don quixote gives real mexicans a bad name

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight.

Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, signed by a president who smokes and can't do the math regarding cost & the debt impact, funding set up by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is nearly obese, to be administered by a bunch of bureaucrats that can't keep massive waste out of Medicare and financed by a country that is trillions of dollars in debt.

What possibly could go wrong?