Why is this Wigger called Rob Thomas, from Sacramento telling the raza from East Los Angeles about life in the Varrio? This gavacho is bien pendejo, this Mamon, doesn't believe that some veteranos were handing out flyers during the L.A. Riots of 1992.
Tu sabes that chicanos and raza have mad love for our varrio, we are NOT like the mayates who were buring their own "Hood".
I know a few mero mero veteranos who were keeping the young homies in check and told the chavalitos to don't be burning our Varrio like the mayates. A Veterano I know from Highland Parque was making sure no mayates came into East Los Angeles and burn any taco stands or liquor stores. My Tia Conchita's taco stand was protected by some young homies from Highland Parque under the orders of "Big Chalupa", a veterano I have know since we were kids. "Big Chalupa" has control of a large section of East Los Angeles and has my respect and admiration.
A special shout out to Sniper, El Travieseo, Casper, Spooky, and Big Betty for protectiong my Tia Conchita's place.
Me and my familia have lived in East Los Angeles for generations and NO PINCHE GAVACHO is going to school me about anything in the East Los Angeles. So SNS aka Rob Thomas ....STFU !!!
1 comment:
You forgot to mention Don Quixote, tu sabes that he is a firme mero mero who is always watching out for our jente.
Don Quixote is also a mero mero and muy chingon and very esmart about the exploitation of our jente by gavachos and robber barons.
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