Pinche Gavachos want to takeover the Eastside, see the evidence in these pictures of the Pinche Gavacho Marachi !!!!! A La Verga !!!!!
The newbie faux LA Eastside besmirchers are screaming reverse racism, the story’s about Mexicans beating up white people and otherwise just scaring them with some bogeyman Mexican vodoo juju.Must be hell on these gentrifuckers to have to mingle with all the brown pagan gangsters that they claim lurk around every dark alley looking to rape and pillage them.
Funny though, because as I recall, being a lifelong LA Eastsider, there have always been white folks living among us heathens, lots of fence jumping and race mixing too! These gentrifuckers remind me of the current knashing of teeth and wailing by the right wing wing in claiming all Latino politicians or Latinos in positions of power are practicing reverse rascism. Look at the crocodile tears and outrage thrown up over the nomination of Judge SOnia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice.The same bastards who have been practicing legalized or at least de facto racism for about 500 years calling someone else a racist due to thier being protective about thier history.What a lame ass smokescreen.
Another fantastic post by Don Culo, I have also noticed so many new white faces in the Eastside, who want to deny the existence of the Chicanos.
If we Chicanos are not vigilant the, gavachos in the Eastside will be the new Hitlers of Los Angeles !!!!!
Chicanos can't forget about the aryan race and what they did to the Jews, they will try this again with the Chicanos !!!!
The xenophobes and thier vitriol are alive and well in the Eastside !!!
Great post Don Culo and spot on comment Santiago. I too have noticed the influx of racist robber baron gavachos in my beloved Eastside. It even smells different anymore. The air has that scent of new money and I miss the fetid odor of pinchi tripa on Fri nite making that menudo for my Sat morning hangover. Si con patas por favor y cebolla y limon, Esmarelda. I was tanked the other night, staggered out of my favorite watering hole, blotto on Ramos Fizzes and damned near got runned over by some upstart gentrifying hipster on a mtn bike. My favorite bartender Chino runned outside and tried to clobber the foolio with that hatchet he carries, but was squinty eyed and put a 8inch slice in some mayate winitos ass cheeks. We just laughed, gave him a dollar and a coupla cigarettes and he was fine, really. The neighborhood is going downhill, homie.
great post don i loved you one at la eastside mr toads wild ride.
Don, I find it hard to believe you did all that running you say you did over at LA Eastside. I doubt your fat ass can make it 2 blocks.
Is that Gavacho Mariachi Rob Thomas?
He was a fat, moon headed baby. Undoubtedly he's a round grown up.
That is a fine looking white-boy playing my favorite Mariachi music !!
This is obviously a blog designed to bash Chicanos. What's most sad about it is that it's obviously authored by a Chicano. You must have been a real punk growing up, to hate your own gente this much.
How racist of you to say that. You must be defining a person's ethinicity by what words they use, what language they speak. Educate yourself my finely feathered dolt.
Also in your vitriolic comment you denigrate "punks". I happen to be aquainted with many good people who've adopted the punk lifestyle. Who are you to besmirch them with your hate? You my friend are the real hater.
Also Also Also you should be aware that the content of your statement clearly defines the word demagogue. Thenks for the clarity!
Sorry, but there's nothing racist about pointing out the obvious, that a Chicano hates his fellow Chicanos. It's called a coconut. There's nothing racist about it. It's just the truth. And it's what you are. Coconut.
i can't beleave someone would come here with that racist shit, we don't use those terms here like coconut i have never been so ashamed, and to think it may have come from a mexican by the slang he was using.we all know real mexicans are never racist there are the greatest most giving people america is just jealous of mexico.
Coconut? Coconut? JeJeJeJe This shit gets better by the minute, and this script guy doesn't have a comeback except - "you're a coconut".. So lets round up some pineapples/rum and we'll blend up some pina coladas. Umbrella drinks for everyone compliments of the coconut.
You guys will look for a "reverse racism" conspiracy under every rock. But it's just not here. All I'm doing is pointing out the obvious fact that the author of this blog is a self hating coconut. Nothing racist about it. It's fact.
Anonymous said...
Coconut? Coconut? JeJeJeJe This shit gets better by the minute, and this script guy doesn't have a comeback except - "you're a coconut".. So lets round up some pineapples/rum and we'll blend up some pina coladas. Umbrella drinks for everyone compliments of the coconut
Trust me, I'm not Script. Also, a coconut is a term to describe a self hating Mexican. Brown on the outside, white on the inside. Nobody's talking about fruits. We'll talk about your two fathers another day.
Trust me, I'm not Script. Also, a coconut is a term to describe a self hating Mexican. Brown on the outside, white on the inside. Nobody's talking about fruits. We'll talk about your two fathers another day.
so your saying you like brown on the outside and white on the inside of your ass?
No NO he is saying a coconut is when a black guy pounds his mouth full of white stuff.
You guys will look for a "reverse racism" conspiracy under every rock. But it's just not here. All I'm doing is pointing out the obvious fact that the author of this blog is a self hating coconut. Nothing racist about it. It's fact.
so what is being white? is that not racist.
how do you act white?
what is the term for a self hating white?
is a coconut a term that poor uneducated mexicans use to describe a mexican that uses his brain?
You guys are trying to turn this into another stupid philosophical debate that I don't have time for. I only have time to speak the obvious, and that is that the author of this blog is a lame ass coconut. End of story.
The Real SNS said...
That is a fine looking white-boy playing my favorite Mariachi music !!
That can't be the Real SNS. The Real SNS doesn't like white people. Fuckin imposter !!!
This is obviously a blog designed to bash Chicanos. What's most sad about it is that it's obviously authored by a Chicano. You must have been a real punk growing up, to hate your own gente this much.
I love how SNS tries to act like he's some new guy that just happened to stumble across these blogs.
It's like the Don q penchant for multis is finally gone viral and maybe gonna be a pandemic- ya spose? Naw not in this life. Ol Scriptoid's not going to fool this fool. I'm a little sore about his whitebread accusations of me being a "racist". Cereal biz here, if I was that way I'd have upgraded the "harsh" factor long time back. Sure i got my foibles, and they're earned/learned. They're mine, and believe me they're always up for modification. But him going to bith and taking shots comparing to that old crud that shot up the Holocaust Museum is off the hook. It was obvious to me upon hearing the story that the guy was just another hater out of Idaho w/the same background and political quirks (discrimination) as the retard that shot Dr Tiller in KS. They parallel though their particular "causes" aren't the same, they exhibit the same amt. of twisted psychosis. You need to drop that perverted mindset you carry, Scriptoid. Nobody's got your number. It's obscure.
Now be sure and pelt me with all your rationalizations and precepts according to YOU. Throw in some insults please, may I have another.
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