The worst offender was Tony Rafael, at his blog “InTheHat.blogspot” (inactive for sometime now…), claiming that social programs have not prevented one kid he knows of from joining a gang. Of course, the million dollar question is, how many kids in gang neighborhoods does he know? Also, how does he know that the kids who participate in the programs wouldn’t have become gang members if not for the program? That’s just one example of the far fetched data these white tax payer groups rest on.
Also, is it fair to say that law enforcement and prisons have done nothing to stop crime, either? Seems the money we throw toward law enforcement winds up blowing in the wind, too. The end result is that they just wind up needing MORE money. Where’s the results for the money given to them? If police are to credit gangs for the decay of neighborhoods, then by contrast if gang members are taken off the streets, neighborhoods should get better. They don’t. Because the money does not go the poor victimized gang members.
This tells me that either the pinche police are too stupid to understand, that we need to give tax money to the poor victimized gang members and mexican immigrants !!!
Tony Rafael was a shill for the prison-industrial complex. He cultivated good ties with the LAPD in order to get safe passage through some of the tougher hoods in the City. His posts were always either cop-oriented or vague pumps for inside info that they could use. you'd have to admit in hindsight and from reading the archived comments that maybe the info wasn't current or valid, but there sure wasn't any lack of it. Of course then we had the entre of the fatmouths, the ones who really took all the meat out of the site. The same idiots whose comical blogs we enjoy supporting. They're at it again over at WitnessLA. So much ado over nothing. I personally like the mention of that barfinthehat blog. It's always been close to my heart for its tongue-in-cheek treatment of the real trolls out there. You know who they are.
Don Culo you two faced kiss-ass !!!
Did you forget you spent everyday on my blog kissing my ass and calling me the Mero-Mero?
You are a fool and a hypocrite, I will keep my blog on the Internet for all to read you stupid comments as Big Betty, Santiago, Conchita, Marty, Jim you are indeed a jack-ass !!!
You two should crack open a couple of Slim jims and renew old friendships. You both enjoyed the mutual ass kissing you shared , and DQ always felt so important over on Wally's blog, like as if anyone but Norwalquero believed his shit, Oh yeah and then sns who'd suck up to anybody if they subscribed to his twisted logic, and uterly stupid reasons for why things are. Like poverty and gangs, or Oliver North and the 90s crack epidemic.
I almost forgot about SNS's obsession with Oliver North.
And D.Q., Norwalquero, Jim, Marty, Conchita are just a few of Don Culo's imginary friends.
cholos need love too.
I got plenty of love for all cholos. Just send them my way !!!
You got plenty o' love for Michael Jackson, Stillo? Bring that bluesy spirit out and lets moonwalk across this street of dreams o scriptoid, and culo too! Get off your fat brown ass,ese. Show us some moves.
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