Thursday, December 3, 2009

Never Trust a Mayate

You would think a white girl would know a mayate can't be trusted. Tu sabes a mayate will always be a mayate, you know Tiger is trying to be white and sleeping with as many white women as possible.

Tiger should hire Huggy Bear as his pimp.

Update ***********

Looks like Tiger has been with many white-girls, you can take the mayate out of the ghetto but you can't the mayatee out the ghetto. How many babies is he going to abandon and have welfare the department support.


Anonymous said...

tiger should give sammy sosa a call he could get him lightened up, but on a serious note what did she expect.

Anonymous said...

? i don't get it your last 2 post where about racist than this one says never trust a mayate?

Don Culo said...

The european gavachos are racist, nativists and xenophobes.

I am telling the truth, everybody knows mayates are lazy condescending liars and thives.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, where all the white women at???

Anonymous said...

Hey that's Clevon Little^^^
Not to be confused with any of the Smalls. Why you spose they got them names, Toby?

Kunta Kinte to you more aware individs.

O Jeez, now I'm snappin to Tiget. Why you think they call him "woods". He don't look like no wood I ever seen in the Pen.

Anonymous said...

It should be known that Sammy despite his sorry display of skin bleaching, has done many good thinks in his native Dominican Republic. Beisbol has been berry-berry good to Sosa,


I got one for you Dung Culo:

Never trust a nasty as mexican, they might just kill and rape you: