Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pinche Robber Barons !!!!!

When times get tough and jobs are scarce then the powers that be turn against the cheap labor pool (usually minorities, wherever in the world), and use the old “divide and conquer” scam to pit working people against themselves, usually using racism, xenophobia and nativism as tools to scapegoat a selected group and class. It’s an old old strategy that seems to work every time. MLK was tolerated as a spokesman for racial equality and civil rights but the minute he moved into the realm of representing all working people and had the temerity to represent and support the strike by the Memphis Sanitation Workers, and started speaking up for all workers rights he was attacked as a Commie agitator, provoking class warfare, and was quickly assassinated.

The 1% who make up the wealthy monopoly capitalist class, and their lackeys, always scream foul when someone points out the gross inequities of economics used to prop up these supply siders and robber barons. They like to keep it quiet and on the down low between themselves, but revert to screaming about class warfare when put in the spotlight by someone, and always use the old divide and conquer trick that is based on racism and xenophobia. Hitler did it with his “Brown Shirts” and beer hall butt buddies and the racist “Minutemen” types fall right into the same category.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey Pendejos We Need More Tax Money for Cholos !!!!

Tax payer groups (Conservative Gavachos, for the most part) have run a successful campaign over the past few decades to convince voters that programs of any kind that prevent kids from becoming criminals are a waste of money. Their data to support this toatl bullhit at best.

The worst offender was Tony Rafael, at his blog “InTheHat.blogspot” (inactive for sometime now…), claiming that social programs have not prevented one kid he knows of from joining a gang. Of course, the million dollar question is, how many kids in gang neighborhoods does he know? Also, how does he know that the kids who participate in the programs wouldn’t have become gang members if not for the program? That’s just one example of the far fetched data these white tax payer groups rest on.

Also, is it fair to say that law enforcement and prisons have done nothing to stop crime, either? Seems the money we throw toward law enforcement winds up blowing in the wind, too. The end result is that they just wind up needing MORE money. Where’s the results for the money given to them? If police are to credit gangs for the decay of neighborhoods, then by contrast if gang members are taken off the streets, neighborhoods should get better. They don’t. Because the money does not go the poor victimized gang members.

This tells me that either the pinche police are too stupid to understand, that we need to give tax money to the poor victimized gang members and mexican immigrants !!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pinche Rob Thomas telling Raza about East Los Angeles .... A La Verga

Why is this Wigger called Rob Thomas, from Sacramento telling the raza from East Los Angeles about life in the Varrio? This gavacho is bien pendejo, this Mamon, doesn't believe that some veteranos were handing out flyers during the L.A. Riots of 1992.

Tu sabes that chicanos and raza have mad love for our varrio, we are NOT like the mayates who were buring their own "Hood".

I know a few mero mero veteranos who were keeping the young homies in check and told the chavalitos to don't be burning our Varrio like the mayates. A Veterano I know from Highland Parque was making sure no mayates came into East Los Angeles and burn any taco stands or liquor stores. My Tia Conchita's taco stand was protected by some young homies from Highland Parque under the orders of "Big Chalupa", a veterano I have know since we were kids. "Big Chalupa" has control of a large section of East Los Angeles and has my respect and admiration.

A special shout out to Sniper, El Travieseo, Casper, Spooky, and Big Betty for protectiong my Tia Conchita's place.

Me and my familia have lived in East Los Angeles for generations and NO PINCHE GAVACHO is going to school me about anything in the East Los Angeles. So SNS aka Rob Thomas ....STFU !!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pinche LAPD, Harrasing Latino Lakers Fans Again !!!!

You knew the racist LAPD would be harrasing the Latino Lakers fans who were celebrating the Lakers victory. Did you notice how NO gavachos in West L.A. were arrested after the Lakers Victory? Pinche jura were only arrsting innocent chicanos, nothing has changed since the Sleepy Hollow days in East Los Angeles. The vitriol towards the chicanos is very telling of the xenophobes in the LAPD. SNS and I need to run the LAPD and bring real change to Los Angeles, if I were running the LAPD there would be no crime because cops would be serving the expolited chicanos of East Los Angeles instead of arresting them. The draconian LAPD must be shut down immediately !!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pinche Miga, Pinche INS, Pinche LAPD, Pince MinuteMen, Pinche RedNecks.

(Baby dq, with madre, abuela, y bisabuela in Lincoln Hts 1946),

My great Grandmother, I still remember her, her whole life was dedicated to her family, illiterate, she never spoke a word of English except ‘Sanganabichi”! Her mother was born in Mexico, in what later became New Mexico Territory. Her tombstone inside Calvary reads “Querida Madre y Abuela”, I’m glad she’s dead and in peace or “la migra”, LAPD, MinuteMen and RedNecks would be chasing her ass down ! The Pinche Migra, MinuteMen and LAPD chased by abuelita all over New Mexico and the EastSide of Los Angeles.

My abuelita ran the first marathon running from the pinche migra, the "maraton" was named after my abuelita's run from the expolitive gavachos.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I remember when me and Joe Mailander were good compadres, but now Joe Mailander is xenophobe like Walter Moore, Mary Cummins, Gava Joe, Gonzo, Anonymousa nd all the other fat Minutemen from Kansas !!!!!

Did you vatos read the vitriol on Joe Mamon's blog? jejejeje hahaha

"The Mayor's education "plan" simply stated is to rob as much as he can from (largely Anglo) LA homeowners (who already pay hefty State education taxes) and give the largess to (largely immigrant) LAUSD students. Any opinion or even dialog that doesn't service that plan is not welcome in local quotidien print media, though national media such as the New Yorker do seem interested in alternative approaches."

Joe needs a menudo enema, I remember when me an Joe would drink Ramos Gin Fizz drinks prepared by my favorite Japanese bartender his nickname is "Chino". Sabes que Joe Mamon, go fuck yoursef, you pinche gavacho.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hey Pendejo......Here is Your Coconut !!!!!

Some Pendejo is saying shit about me being a self-hating Mexican, NO Seas Pendejo !!!
I love being Mexican and everything Mexican !!! I Love M&M's, that's Menudo and Mariachis for the WestSide gavachos who don't know mierda !!!!!

Below is a picture of a real COCONUT, his name is Albert Gonzales aka GONZO. This coconut worked for Bush and Cheney the last robber baron gavachos in the WhiteHouse controlling the lana, feria, dinero of the working class and giving the feria away to the robber gavachos on Wall Street.

I wonder if Mary Cummins or Walter Moore is posting mierda on my blog ??? They are two very sneaking xenophobes and trolls spewing there vile vitriol on the Internet.

A Pinche Coconut !!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pinche Gavacho Marachi Taking Over The Eastside !!!!!

Pinche Gavachos want to takeover the Eastside, see the evidence in these pictures of the Pinche Gavacho Marachi !!!!! A La Verga !!!!!

The newbie faux LA Eastside besmirchers are screaming reverse racism, the story’s about Mexicans beating up white people and otherwise just scaring them with some bogeyman Mexican vodoo juju.Must be hell on these gentrifuckers to have to mingle with all the brown pagan gangsters that they claim lurk around every dark alley looking to rape and pillage them.

Funny though, because as I recall, being a lifelong LA Eastsider, there have always been white folks living among us heathens, lots of fence jumping and race mixing too! These gentrifuckers remind me of the current knashing of teeth and wailing by the right wing wing in claiming all Latino politicians or Latinos in positions of power are practicing reverse rascism. Look at the crocodile tears and outrage thrown up over the nomination of Judge SOnia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice.The same bastards who have been practicing legalized or at least de facto racism for about 500 years calling someone else a racist due to thier being protective about thier history.What a lame ass smokescreen.