Sunday, December 2, 2007

Me and Little Loca

Me and my grand-daughter (Little Loca) we like to watch American me and read Wally's new book Mexican Mafia together. She loves to here my stories about me and the carnales. Sometimes the carnales also tell Little Loca about our Vida Loca. I am making sure she is learning about our raza. Orlae que firme !!!


Anonymous said...

Q-vo ese! Great blog. The world knows its tuff being a cholo today. Keep up the good work and introduce us to Santiago, Marty in short Pants, Big Betty, and maybe since you guys are firme, you can bring wally hisself to this place to share his movidas.. Oh and leave us that menudo recipe again. Drinks with Tony sez you rock, Don culo..

Anonymous said...

i was wondering when is lil loca getting jumped in.

StillNoScript said...

Don Q. I am a cholo with no gang. Can I join your clique? I know you're one down ass vato.

Don Quixote said...

Yes Sns you can join but you know there is only 2 ways in,and i know you don't want to get jumped so bring your own vasoline cause some of the homies are pretty big.

Anonymous said...

Whats up with lil loca a Don, can i get at that yet?