Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pinche Mayates Quit Whining

Pinche Mayates always blaming the "Man" and the "System" for thier problems.

Those lazy mayates need to get off thier lazy ass and go to school and get a job.

The mayates still talk about slavery and old shit today, bitch, bitch, that is all the

lazy mayates know what to do.


Anonymous said...

gay ass mojado

quit complaining about blacks & get shit in your own neighborhood & community right.

why are so many of your heros in prison dumbass?

only animals belong in cages.

Anonymous said...

"The mayates still talk about slavery and old shit today"

beaners still talk about how the spaniards rape then & stole their land.

& how the US stole the south west land?


Noble said...

if you have a problem with "mayates" then take your orange selling ass back to mexico, "mayates" bulit the country you live in bitch

SNS said...

I agree Don, we need to get these low down monkeys out of our varrio's. They are a disgrace to our varrios always yelling and swinging from the tree's.

Anonymous said...

"mayates" bulit the country you live in bitch

Yeah and then they burn it down whenever they get mad.

Anonymous said...

hey wetback, if you have a problem with 'mayates' complaining then take your punk ass back to mexico. you didn't build this country bitch