Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fat Boy Whines

The Fat Boy, is now upset for being called out for his racist comments. boo hoo hoo.

" Shortly after we returned to blogging and just as phase one of the AD43 special election was winding down we became aware of someone who had put together a "hate" blog directed at Mayor Sam and yours truly in particular. This was not the first time this has happened (Don Culo was a pioneer there) and we usually laugh it off. However some associated activities around this have raised to the level of making veiled threats towards me and other individuals associated with me. "

I am not afraid to threaten Mike Higby in public, I have often threatened to take away Mike Higby's, hamburgers, french-fries, ice cream, jelly filled donuts, cheetos, snickers candy and heavily buttered popcorn. You should have the look of shock on Higby's face.

If we want to secure the border with Mexico, we just need ask Mike Highy to lay along the border, very few will survive climbing over his belly, or walking around him. hahahahaha

1 comment:


You are such an idiot, you are calling out someone for racist comments when you are a racist yourself. Wow, your an idiot. Yes I'm an racist, mostly against mexicans. Can't stand them.