Sunday, July 19, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinking Gavachos ih Highland Park !!!

Some Highland Park vatos took care of business and chased out some pendejo gavachos on bicycles. We in Eastside know how to represnt our varrio and keep out the gentrifying gavachos. The gavachos don't belong in East Los Angeles, the gavchos want to take over East Los Angeles, but we know what's up....

The bicycle phenomenon known as Midnight Ridazz had a near tragedy as they rode down Avenue 52 this past Friday night. Around midnight (hence the name), as hundreds of cyclists were making their way from Griffith Park, through Highland Park, and on their way over to Lincoln Heights during the Neverland-themed ride, the group was attacked as they descended down Avenue 52 just before the Pasadena Freeway at Bomer Drive.
When the rolling mass of cyclists with blinking lights, bells, horns, and amplified music trailers went rolling by a house party on 52, the occupants there started yelling, “Fuck you white boys!” (despite the diverse crowd of men and women of every skin color) As the blocks-long group of bikes continued to pass, the group of men in the yard started throwing beer bottles, pots, and anything they could find at the cyclists. (As of this post, there was still bits of broken Corona bottles and white ceramic shards in the Avenue there.) Then they came at them with shovels and started knocking people off bikes and successfully manage to steal one bike from a local cyclist as he was dodging a swinging shovel.


sniper said...

That right we take care of business !!!

No pinche gavachos in our varrio, you gotta respect our varrio !!!

Our varrio belongs to our jente, fuck the gavchos !!!!!

Great blog Don Culo !!!!

Sniper from Big Bad Avenues Clika, a shout out to my hyna La Gorda.

Don Culo said...

Sniper, if you are going to quote me from other posts you need to give me some props otherwise people may think your a troll that lives under a rock.
Thanks though, as I love reading myself when I’m right

Don Culo hisself..

Don Culo said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeh, let's all move to a poor neighborhood in LA with a history of gang violence, and ride or bikes around! Then, let's act all surprised when a gang confronts us! Yupsters have a total lack of respect for Los Angeles. They don't just nonchalantly move into NY's boroughs like this. Oh, there's gentrification in NY. But they tread carefully over there. And when they do move into Bed Stuy, they know where da fug day iz, and they just don't go riding their bikes around. They stay in their 2 or 3 block radius, and have a paved path to the subway station. They think the only rough parts of LA are South Central and East LA. Everything else is, like, tubular! I mean, like totally, it's LA! Just fucking dumb. LA's the only city that can sell real estate through fiction on t.v! I'm not condoning what happened to those bicyclists. But a rude awakening never hurt anyone.

Don Culo said...

I agree the pinche gavachos and mayates deserve to be shot and killed when they move into the Eastside !!!!

Remember how the Avenues took care of the mayates in their varrio !!!

Spooky said...

We know how to take care of the mayates in our Varrio.

No mayates are going to disrespect our varrio.

puro Varrio Hawaiian Gardens

Varrio Hawaiian Gardens - Por Vida

Fuck the - Avenues Chavalitas

Anonymous said...

Those weren't mayates on those bikes. The outrage amongst the yuppie Northeast LA blogosphere is evident of that, because there'd be crickets if it were blacks that were attacked. Blacks in the area have been complaining about the hate crimes for a decade now, while the yupsters were doing the hear no evil see no evil, and saying everything was fine. Now that the Aves are taking it to those spoiled brats, maybe the neighborhood might finally be recognized again as a working class community striken with poverty and that needs attention, as opposed to a sheik, fabulous, diverse place that's just perfect for LA transplants getting off the plane with their parents credit card and a dream.

Anonymous said...

"Great blog Don Culo !!!!"