Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hey Pendejo......Here is Your Coconut !!!!!

Some Pendejo is saying shit about me being a self-hating Mexican, NO Seas Pendejo !!!
I love being Mexican and everything Mexican !!! I Love M&M's, that's Menudo and Mariachis for the WestSide gavachos who don't know mierda !!!!!

Below is a picture of a real COCONUT, his name is Albert Gonzales aka GONZO. This coconut worked for Bush and Cheney the last robber baron gavachos in the WhiteHouse controlling the lana, feria, dinero of the working class and giving the feria away to the robber gavachos on Wall Street.

I wonder if Mary Cummins or Walter Moore is posting mierda on my blog ??? They are two very sneaking xenophobes and trolls spewing there vile vitriol on the Internet.

A Pinche Coconut !!!


Anonymous said...

Funny...he looks Chicano to me.

Anonymous said...

don we know your no coconut, hows a white boy gonna call you a coconut, you so mexican he don't know what to think.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Alberto Gonzalez is necessarily a coconut. A corrupted asshole, indeed. But I've never heard him bash Chicanos. Looks like the you're trying to find company for your misery. Keep looking. Because for all of Gonzalez's faults, he's not a self hating coconut like you. You hate Chicanos, because you were undoubtedly a punk growing up. And I don't mean punk rocker. I mean punk who hid in his house and pissed his pants, when he wasn't getting pushed around by the vatos or laughed at by the hynas. Punk coconut.

Anonymous said...

sns why is a self hating white boy talking like he knows the hood?

Anonymous said...

to the whiteboy at 9:54 this is a chicano blog, we don't need that racist shit here if you want to talk like that go to barfinthehat.com we don't take kindly to crackers around here trying to stir the pot go try to pull that shit at eastside la and you will get moderated right of the site punk ass bitch we all know white boys ain't got no heart.

Anonymous said...

I'm not white, so that's not going to fly. I'm Brown and Proud, from South San Gabriel, in the SGV. Las Lomas. I don't gang bang but I love my barrio and love my people. I'm also not a punk. I was brought up by a strict father to carry my own and not take shit from anyone. He also taught me to love myself and my heritage. So, you guys calling me a white boy isn't going to work. Coconut punks.

Anonymous said...

I'm not white(but i wish i was), so that's not going to fly. I'm Brown and Proud, from South San Gabriel, in the SGV. Las Homas. I don't gang bang but I get gang banged love my barrio and love my people(in my mouth or ass). I'm also not a punk. I was brought up by a strict father to get my shit packed from anyone. He also taught me to love myself and his meat. So, you guys calling me a white boy isn't going to work. Coconut all over my face.

Anonymous said...

You want to talk shit about Lomas come here and talk shit, punk bitch. You'll be lucky if you get a family man like me and not one of the homeboys. All I'll do is whip your coconut ass, something your jefe should have done years ago.

Anonymous said...

You want to talk shit about Homas come here and talk shit, punk bitch. You'll be lucky if you get a homosexual man like me and not one of the homeboys. All I'll do is lick your coconut ass, something your jefe should have done years ago.(my jefe would do mine all the time.

Anonymous said...

so you grew up in homas but never got in? oh you mean you never got jumped in, they offered you the different route in and you thought why get your ass beat when you could get in doing something you love.

Anonymous said...

I don't bang because it's not the lifestyle I've chosen. I'm down for myself and mi familia. End of story. Want to meet up and talk about it more in person, coconut bitch?

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of this internet shit. Let's meet up, vato. Potrero Heights park, on Hill, near SG blvd? I'll let you pick out the time. See if you can talk that pedo face to face.

Anonymous said...

LOL. That's what I thought, punk ass coconut. Guess you had to hit the boss button on your computer. Keep talking your shit about raza on the internet you self hating punk. And if you want to meet and talk in person about raza, me, my family, my jefe, or any of the shit you get all big and bad about behind your computer, let me know the time and place. I'll meet you anywhere in the Southland, vato.

Anonymous said...

what you think i am sitting here waiting for your bitch ass, your not even mexican puss you where afraid to bang so you got banged in bitch deal with it. meat me on excelsior st in norwalk on sat around 3 pm.

Anonymous said...

now what puto, thats what i thought you disconntected your computer and moved once you found out i was from the one ways, unlike you i wasn't afraid to be down for by hood you leva bitch.you where probally that wanna be white chola sns(rob thomas) anyway, fucking white boy calling people cocnuts.

Anonymous said...

That faker from homas was no other than Walter Moore coming here to try and stir up problems between la raza, don't fall for it.

Robles said...

Wheres that pendejo from homas?This is a real gangsta site don't come here with that hipster shit trying to act tough and you where afraid to bang.

Anonymous said...

Want to meet up and talk about it more in person, coconut bitch?

Look at SNS trying to get all hard core.

Anonymous said...

Norwalk's about as gay as San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

"one ways".

Yeh, up the culo.

Anonymous said...

Norwalk's about as gay as San Francisco.

You seem to know all the gay spots

Anonymous said...

Isn't Norwalquero that Jesus freak who's also fascinated with cholos? What a confused idiot. Now he's trying to get a cholo from Lomas to meet him for a fight. Because you can be a true Christian while being down for the varrio, too. LOL.

Drew said...

Norwalqero bangs for Jesus! And the one ways sometimes...depending on his mood.

Anonymous said...

Norwalk's about as gay as San Francisco.

you would know sns.

Anonymous said...

what happened to homas? i guess he did disconntect his computer and leave state.

Anonymous said...

sns just because someone is a christian dosn't mean that they don't need to fight once in ahwile people are sinners, and you know all about being a hypocrit so get off your high horse.

Anonymous said...

i came back to check if that bitch from blomas came back but it looks like he was really a white boy.

Anonymous said...

yeah he was a white boy that's facinated with cholos.

Anonymous said...

when God gives you coconuts , make Pina Coladas