Sunday, January 9, 2011

Arizona The Failed State

This is a state in which human life has become disposable­. A state that permits its governor to effectivel­y dispose of people unfortunat­e enough to ill-afford organ transplant­s. A state that is leading the nation in the fight to create a subhuman / sub-citize­n species of person based on skin color and ethnicity. A state that has U.S. military guarding one of its borders against brown people. A state that is engaged in a form of multi-phas­e ethnic cleansing. A state that is actively promoting a citizenry that is openly armed to the hilt with the world's most deadly firearms. A state that is engaged in overt anti-const­itutional legislativ­e strategies­. A state, whose voting majority and elective leaders hate our president, our Constituti­on and America itself.

It's time real Americans stood up against this state. It's time we all take a stand... before all states follow its lead. It's happened before in history. We need to stop the madness, if it's not already too late.”



Dung Culo your a sack of shit.


You sack of shit, why don't you try to pull your rhetoric (hope that isn't too big of a word for you) in your beloved mexico. The citizens of the U.S are tired of your kind, just realize it and get over it. Yes in due time most states will develop some sort of law similar to Arizona. Texas is actually working on one right now (no sanctuary cities, voter I.D cards etc. and with the republicans leading the senate oh my! You sack of shits don’t stand a chance). Please stop being an idiot and wake up and face the real world. Us whites like cheap labor, but hey we aren’t stupid.

Anonymous said...

Republicans lead the congress, not the senate, pendejo. Democrats do lead the senate, however. And of course no bill can go through unless they vote for it. And then Obama has to sign it into law. And you know he's going to be president until January 2017. Fuck the republican congress. A bunch of loudmouth tea baggers. They'll talk to Obama's black hand until they pass a bill that benefits the people.