Mexifornia, the paranoid fear of the Joe Arpaio’s, Walter “my radio is speaking to me in Spanish!” Moore, the forgotten Lou Dobbs, and the author of “Mexifornia” Victor Davis Hansen, who had to build a fence in front of his central valley home to keep the Mexicans from throwing beer cans into his yard.
On this xenophobic and paranoid produced Mexifornia driver’s license is a picture of one of the great actors in American and Mexican history, Alfonso Bedoya, who was a modern day Chicano, being born in Sonora, schooled in Houston Texas, residing for many years in Los Angeles.
“Badges? Badges? I don’t have to show you no stinking badges!” One of the great lines in film history, from one of my all time favorite movies “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre”, about three gringo wetbacks that travel into the Sierra Madre of Mexico searching for gold but end up finding other treasures (except for poor Humphrey Bogart),
Seeing Bedoya on a driver’s license gives me great pleasure, I feel so good I feel like listening to a song to celebrate. I’ll also share it with you.
And get ready for an onslaught of this type of nativist racism when the coming ussue of immigration reform is debated.
I'm having trouble maintaining any kind of racist stance in light of this stupid shit. excuse my confusion, but tell me if dq is really serious when he puts this funky shit up? I mean it really doesn't make a lot of sense. Thank God you didn't put up the "song" he wanted to share with us. i LIKE mariachis. They make me want to guzzle beer and put my hands all over Laticia. I like menudo too, con or sin patas. If its made right it's the best hangover cure since the bloody Mary, but I just can't stand motherfuckers trying to shove their culture down our throats. That to me - is racism.. Call me stupid.
OK You're stupid.
Don Culo your post are so insightful and educational, you are our L.A. Eastside Hero.
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