Chris Blatchford is a clown of the first degree, everything about him reeks of plagiarism, hokey theatrics, and pandering to the hysterical racist fears and prejudice of that targeted suburban Archie Bunker type viewer. Blatchfords staged, TV news “exclusives”, are a total rip-off of the old KTTV news screwball, the late George Putnam, with all of the strutting up to the camera while still speaking in shocked outrage and disgust, the twisting of his pin head while sticking his face into the camera at close range with his wimpy “tough guy” grimace, the laughable cartoon like Dick Tracy overcoat, Blatchfords breathless, gritty, urgent, but in the end, punk ass voice, almost pleading for a reaction. All undoubtedly rehearsed by Blatchford for optimum effect on his target audience.
It’s TV News at its most comic yet despicable low level.
It’s always a politically slanted and overly theatric performance, but one obviously desired and required by FOX (Faux) News and the Rupert Murdock’s of the world.