Tu sabes how crazy the hipsters and gavachos from the west-side. You would not find this on the eastside, we don't need no pinche colonics.
I used to go to a chiropractor in Eagle Rock for back aches and the Dr. was a wonderful old timer in his eighties named, believe it or not, Dr. Carne. One day as I was getting my back treatment he told me he was going to retire, I asked why and in a rather grumpy tone he said ” Most of my old customers are dying and nowadays a lot of my new customers include many Gay men, (he actually used one of the nasty descriptive terms for Gay men, which of course I'm to high class to say), and they all want me to give them “high colonic enemas”, and damn it, I don’t need the money bad enough to end up the high priest of Tailgunners!”
Also, the troll who shows up here often, with the very recognizable and badly disguised anti-Mexican, anti-Eastside comments, was reportedly given treatments a couple of years ago by one Dr. Hugo Winterhalder, for anti Mexican psychotic behavior treatment that included not only hours of isolation with a TV constantly playing songs by “Las Ardilla’s” (The Chipmonks), and Chapulin Colorado TV programs, but also a series of “Menudo enemas” that although didn’t fully cure the troll of Mexipsychosis left a lasting case of “Menudo Enema OCD Complejo ” that can still be witnessed throughout the Internet at various sites. lol
Mary Cummins, Walter Moore, Mike Higby, Anonymousa, Hipsters, Barf, SNG and the mayates could all use a menudo enema. But don't give a menudo enema to a maricon he will enjoy it.