Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pinche WestSide Gavachos and Colonics and Menudo Enemas

Tu sabes how crazy the hipsters and gavachos from the west-side. You would not find this on the eastside, we don't need no pinche colonics.

I used to go to a chiropractor in Eagle Rock for back aches and the Dr. was a wonderful old timer in his eighties named, believe it or not, Dr. Carne. One day as I was getting my back treatment he told me he was going to retire, I asked why and in a rather grumpy tone he said ” Most of my old customers are dying and nowadays a lot of my new customers include many Gay men, (he actually used one of the nasty descriptive terms for Gay men, which of course I'm to high class to say), and they all want me to give them “high colonic enemas”, and damn it, I don’t need the money bad enough to end up the high priest of Tailgunners!”

Also, the troll who shows up here often, with the very recognizable and badly disguised anti-Mexican, anti-Eastside comments, was reportedly given treatments a couple of years ago by one Dr. Hugo Winterhalder, for anti Mexican psychotic behavior treatment that included not only hours of isolation with a TV constantly playing songs by “Las Ardilla’s” (The Chipmonks), and Chapulin Colorado TV programs, but also a series of “Menudo enemas” that although didn’t fully cure the troll of Mexipsychosis left a lasting case of “Menudo Enema OCD Complejo ” that can still be witnessed throughout the Internet at various sites. lol

Mary Cummins, Walter Moore, Mike Higby, Anonymousa, Hipsters, Barf, SNG and the mayates could all use a menudo enema. But don't give a menudo enema to a maricon he will enjoy it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Target Stores are Racist !!!!!!!!!!

This was first reported by my friends at L.A. Eastside blog, I immediately contacted the CEO of Target and convinced him to remove the costume from their stores. I remeinded the Target CEO of how many billiuons of dollars the latino community spends at Target stores. Even my abuelita is a regular shopper at Target Stores.

We mexican americans can't stand by as whites would dress in a manner to degrade and cast us in a bad light. My homies in Highalnd Park are even aware of how we need to oppose anyone dressing in a manner which would portray us as illegal, criminals or low-lifes.

I also wanted to post some pictures of my famila from East Los Angeles and wish them a Happy Halloween.

The Primas.

The Kids.

The Primos, Great Parents and a Great Role Models.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pinche Westside Gavachos With Feria

My pinche gavacho boss make me wash these fucking ranflas !!!!!

The white pendejos never come into my varrio to eat menudo or elotes and enjoy the ranchera music blasting from a paisa's truck. You can see some firme plakas/artwork from the Avenues homies on walls all over Highland Park.

I’m going to have to be dismissive incredulous of the pinche gavachos alibi of ignorance and claim that the LA Eastside neighborhoods do not have specific zip codes, and they can't find our varrio.

It’s very simple to envision and locate the LA Eastside, hundreds of thousands of people for generations have done so, despite being quasi-invisible and denigrated by other citizens from West of the Eastside as Mexican gangsters, illegal aliens, and uncultured heathens to be feared and avoided except as a pool for cheap labor or easy marks when their homes and land were needed for some forced urban renewal public works project like freeway building or gov’t building projects.

The LA Eastside is the area East of Downtown or the LA River inside the City of Los Angeles and the LA County area called East Los Angeles.Got It?The 4300 block of West Sunset Blvd (home of GROWkidsGrow), is not on the LA Eastside despite all attempts at economic or egoistic gerrymandering.

Fuck all the Gavachos,, especially the gavachos with a good job, a BMW and feria.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pinche Hispsters - Get the Hell Out of My Varrio !!!!!!!

For those of you who don't know who to recognize a pinche cabron - hipster, I am providing some pictures. Remember if you see a pinche hipster in East Los Angeles, chase thier asses's out East L.A. with a broom stick and if you catch a pinche hipster, give them a menudo enema so they don't return to East L.A. (my abuelita can provide some very hot and spicy menudo).

This pinche Hipster didn't want me take his picture, I better not catch his ass in Highland Parque, the carnales will take care of his ass, tu sabes, you know how we do it in Highland Parque.