Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Grandson Is In The Little League World Series !!!!!!!!!!!!

My grandson Luke Ramirez pitched a one-hitter and hit a monster three-run homer to lead the young chicanos from Chula Vista to the Little League World Series !!!!!!!!!!!

I taught my grandson how to throw a curve ball just like Fernando Valenzuela, tu sabes another great Mexican pitcher. I was driving down to Chula Vista every two weeks to coach my grandson. I taught him to be a good pitcher and more importantly a proud chicano who understands the gavachos are racist and will discriminate and exploit him. With my mentoring my grandson is very aware of the gavachos xenophobic ways.

I know the Minutemen and the Gavcahos are really pissed off that a bunch of chicanos are representing the U.S.A. against the little chinos from Taiwan. Fuck the xenophobic gavachos who hate my grandson because of the color of his skin. My grandson will make to the Major League Baseball despite the racist and xenophobic MLB owners who don't allow latinos into Major League Baseball.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Nephew - Jose Hernandez - First Mexican in Space

This week’s planned launch of the space shuttle Discovery is getting special attention in Mexico. The seven-member crew includes astronaut Jose Hernandez, the California-born son of Mexican immigrants and suddenly a national hero here, as well.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon considers Hernandez a paisano -- the president and the astronaut’s parents come from the same Mexican state of Michoacan. Calderon telephoned Hernandez over the weekend and in a televised exchange wished him “an enormous congratulation, with all our admiration, all our affection and all our pride.”

Calderon invited Hernandez down to the presidential palace for a chat and a meal, once he’s returned from outer space. He thanked Hernandez for taking the name of Mexico to new heights.

Hernandez’s parents, Salvador and Julia, migrated to northern California in the 1950s in search of work. They eventually became U.S. citizens and raised four children, all of whom, young Jose included, helped toil in the fields, picking cucumbers and tomatoes. As a kid, Hernandez continued to visit his parents’ Michoacan homeland, where cousins and aunts and uncles were being interviewed this week by the Mexican press.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Great Tia Dolia, My Abelita's Sister

Did I tell you vatos about my Abuelita's sister Dolia Gozalez , she has a Navy destroyer named after her. I took some pictures from the ceremony I attended for my great Tia Dolia. I know ths story about my Tia Dolia will make you vatos cry.

As she made her way across Pier 2, the 80-year-old woman stood out from the crowd gathered for the ship's change of command ceremony. Greeted like family by the ship's Captain, it clear that this is no ordinary woman, and to her it is no ordinary ship – it is her ship.

The USS Gonzalez is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer named after Marine Sgt. Alfredo "Freddy" Gonzalez, a Medal of Honor recipient from the Vietnam War. The woman is Dolia Gonzalez, mother of the ship's namesake. It has been said that she makes the trek from her home in Edinburg, Texas, every time the ship leaves and returns from deployment, and for many of the major ceremonies.

Dolia Gonzalez may not know any of these Sailors personally; but she considers each of them as her own. Since the ship's commissioning, the crew has made it their mission to treat Dolia as the ship's mother - writing letters and calling her during deployments and inviting her to special events like today's change of command ceremony.

"It means life in my blood; it's for my boy. This is my life. My son is here with me," said Dolia.

During Cmdr. Brian Fort's last duty as the ship's commanding officer he made it a point to thank Dolia for all that she's done for his crew, by presenting her with a painting by retired Marine Col. Charles Waterhouse.

"She makes our life on board here extremely enjoyable. Knowing she means all this to my Sailors," said Fort.

As the ship's new captain steps in, Cmdr. Lynn Acheson said she's excited about fostering the relationship with Dolia, and getting to know the mother who has been such an integral part of the ship's history. Acheson said, "Dolia is a model of the honor and sacrifice heroes like Sgt. Freddie Gonzalez have made."

"She's got a special relationship with the crew. I hope to continue with my own personal relationship with her, I have a lot of respect for that lady," Acheson said.

Gonzalez was born in Edinburg, in 1946 and raised primarily by his mother. He was an All-District football player at Edinburg High School in spite of his weight of 135 pounds.

Following high school graduation, Gonzalez enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in San Antonio June 3, 1965, and then enlisted in the regular Marine Corps July 6, 1965. He went on to serve in Vietnam at his own request in response to an ambush that took the lives of some of his friends.

He first was assigned to the Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, as a rifleman. On Jan. 1, 1966, Gonzalez was promoted to private first class and transferred to Company L, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam as a squad leader.

In October that year he was promoted to lance corporal, and the following December was promoted to corporal. Gonzalez completed his tour of duty in Vietnam and returned to the United States in February 1967. He was stationed with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He became a Marine instructor at Camp Lejeune to prepare Marines for the guerilla warfare.

Though he had not intended to return to war, after learning of an ambush which wiped out an entire platoon, including men who had served under him during his tour of duty, he requested a transfer and another tour in Vietnam.

He spent May and July of 1967 in a staging battalion at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, during which he was promoted to Sergeant. Gonzalez was then assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein) in Vietnam.

In January 1968, Gonzalez' unit was involved in the initial phase of Operation Hue City and deployed by truck convoy to reinforce other units fighting in the city. The convoy was attacked near the village of Lang Van Lrong and drew heavy enemy fire.

Gonzalez immediately positioned his men and directed their fire until the area was free of enemy snipers. The convoy moved on and was attacked again after crossing a river south of Hue. A Marine standing on a tank was wounded and fell to the ground in a position exposed to enemy fire.

Gonzalez ran to him, picked him up and carried him to a protected area. During the rescue, Gonzalez was wounded by fragments of exploding grenades. As the convoy was pinned down by an enemy machine gun bunker up the road, Gonzalez led his platoon to the bunker and destroyed it with hand grenades.

The convoy eventually reached Hue, where Gonzalez and his unit fought against heavy enemy resistance. He was seriously wounded on Feb. 3, but refused medical treatment in order to stay with his men. The following day, his unit was pinned down by a large enemy force and suffered heavy casualties.

Gonzalez used several antitank weapons against heavily fortified enemy positions while exposed to enemy fire. He held back the enemy advance and destroyed an enemy rocket position before he was mortally wounded. Gonzalez was hit by the last rocket fired by the enemy, and died in the Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church, where he had taken cover.

For his actions, while being wounded several times between January 31 and February 4, 1968, Gonzalez was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
His Medal of Honor was presented to his mother on Oct. 31, 1969, by then Vice President Spiro T. Agnew at the White House.

In 1996, the USS Alfredo Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer, was commissioned in Corpus Christi.

There is a permanent display of his uniform and medals at the Hidalgo County Historical Museum.

Alfredo Gonzalez Hall, Instructor Training Battalion Headquarters Building, The Basic School, Quantico, Va. was dedicated July 13, 2007. Gonzalez was chosen to have the building named after him by the Marines of Instructor Battalion.

Mother Teresa once said, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

Dolia's son gave his life. Though she lost him, his memory and her love is kept alive through her connection with the USS Gonzalez. They'll undoubtedly be saving her seat at the next ceremony, and she'll make the trip because a mother's job never ends, and the de facto matriarch of the USS Gonzalez wouldn't disappoint her children.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yes This Old Cholo Plays Golf, and I'm Damn Good

I know the xenophobes and haters at Barf and Witness L.A. have been talking shit about me. I am getting sick and tired of the pendejos mocking my comments all over the Internet. You fools need a hobby, maybe you pendejos can learn to play golf, I have been palying golf for over 40 years and have played in a few tournaments as well. I also play golf at Palm Springs on a regular basis, that is where I met Chi Chi Rodriquez and Lee Trevino over 30 years ago. I still talk to Chi Chi on a regular basis. I was playing 18 holes with Chi Chi 30 years ago when I sank a 350 yard Hole In One, after I sank that shot I took my golf club and swung like a sword and the rest is tu sabes history. Chi Chi started using my signature move and he became well know for that move of mine. I still rib Chi Chi about stealing my move, pinche Puerto Rican LOL LOL. Chi Chi gave me a very expensive set of hand made clubs for my 50th birthday I rarely use the clubs I want to pass them on to my grandkid, he will be the next Tigre Woods, the mayate better watchout. I have another secret move which I will pass on to my grandkid when he turns pro.

My Hollywood Connection

I know I have usually discuss and inform the working class and latinos about the divide and conquer ploy being used the rich whites aka the robber barons, but today I will be sahring my connection to Hollywood.

I ran a very sucessful roofing comapny for many years, I was one of the best roofers in the L.A. area. Since I was one of the best I, was recommended for jobs at the homes of some Hollywood celebrities. This is how I met Martin Scorcese and Clint Eastwood.

I met Martin Scorcese as he was casting for the movie Goodfellas, I told Martin Scorcese about my time with the mero-mero carnales of the Mexican Mafia. Martin Scorcese was so impressed with my stories, so I was hired as a consultant for the movie Goodfellas.

I suggested Joe Pesci for the role of the crazy made guy who was also the short guy in the movie. Well we all know Joe Pesci won an Oscar for his performance in the movie. But you probalbly don't know I wrote this scene in the movie which Joe Pesci delivered just like I knew he would. a la verga, my abuelita would be proud.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Care Debate, Nativists, Xenophobes and Robber Barons

Well, this escalation of right wing propaganda is right out of the book of Nazi Germany’s Brown Shirt demagoguery. The fear tactics of creeping Communism, ohhhhhhhhhh my!

  1. Obama’s actually a Mayate Muslim!
  2. The first step is taking away our guns!
  3. They’re gonna make old people commit suicide
  4. Don’t drink the water it’s a Govt plot!
  5. The United Nations has plans to turn us into a one world Govt!
  6. They’re gonna make us plant computer chips in our kids brains!
  7. The Mexicans have a plan for the reconquest of the USA! Quick call Sheriff Joe!
  8. The first step was the appointment to the Supreme Court of Sotomayor, she’s gonna take away white peoples rights and give them to the Mexicans!
  9. Universal Health Care for all is just the first step in forcing us Americans to accept Communism, look at what happened to Canada or Sweden!*The real power in the world is in the hands of the Illuminati, the Jews, the council on foreign relations, and the Reptilians who live in secret underground dwellings and who change into human form at will.
The only thing surprising about this old right wing fear campaign is how many people want to believe it.

The old divide and conquer by the robber baron gavachos has been used to dived the working class and minorites in the past.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009




Pinche AnonyMousa is now calling me Donkey Joto. I am no joto, all the veteranos in the varrio know I am not a JOTO !!!! Pretty Boy and Mr Nalgas Duras, and Mi Chulo Boy will tell you I am not a Joto.

Also I don’t respond to the trolls comments, no matter how ignorant, xenophobic and now homophobic (joto is a very low down word for a homosexual male in slang Spanish), or vitriolic thier comment.

I don’t respond to the trolls comments, by Mary Cummins, because the bitch is a crazy xenophobe, who is filled with vitriol. Iwon't respond to any comments by Mary Cummins or Walter Moore.

That's right Mary Cummins and Walter Moore I don't care how many xenophobic vitriolic comments you make I won't respond to you. I am ignoring both of you, I am too important and smart to waste my time ansering any comments by you Mary Cummins !!!

If Mary Cummins or Walter Moore post any xenophobic vitriolic comment at any blogs I won't be mentioning your name Mary Cummins, and that also goes for the xenophobe Walter Moore.

Did you hear this messican Walter Mooore you racist xenophobe? That right Walter Moore I will not be responing to any comments by you. I will ignore all comments you make on MayorSam's blog about hearing messicans on the radio. Pinche Walter Moore hears messicans on the radio, I'm ignoring the vitriol of MinuteMan, Nativist, Xenophobe, Facist, Walter Moore.

The pinche trolls are just looking for attention on the blogs, have you noticed how Mary Cummins and Walter Moore have a story no matter the topic.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pobre Crack-Head Blacks (Never Mayates)

With all the dialog concerning the multi billion dollar California prison system, and it’s deserved reputation as being bloated, broke, and ignominious in it’s failures in the eyes of the entire world. Wouldn’t it seem that this corrupt system of degradation and failure would be the first in line to be gutted and questioned as to it’s real worth to society? Instead education, health care, aid to the indigent and aged, and many other public commons institutions are being trimmed to the bone.I’m hearing from people who have family members incarcerated by the State of California that inmates without any money to buy additional food through legitimate means or through the underground pipeline found in most prisons, are living practically on bread and water.

Bob Herbert writing in the New York Times today, on the overzealous arrest of Prof Gates, racial profiling, and the ridiculous ratio of minority’s incarcerated compared to whites (especially for drug offenses). Herbert gives us these statistics about black men incarcerated, and if included, Latinos would really bump up these horrible numbers. And am I wrong or am I getting a feeling that the tragic death of young Lily Burk is starting to be used by certain "gavcho racist segments" of the population and press as Zeitgeist for promoting even further racist and class conscious get tough on crime laws and the propping up of the corrupted prison industrial complex?

“Anyone counseling a less militant approach is counseling self-defeat. As of mid-2008, there were 4,777 black men imprisoned in America for every 100,000 black men in the population. By comparison, there were only 727 white male inmates per 100,000 white men.While whites use illegal drugs at substantially higher percentages than blacks, black men are sent to prison on drug charges at 13 times the rate of white men.Most whites do not want to hear about racial problems, and President Obama would rather walk through fire than spend his time dealing with them. We’re never going to have a serious national conversation about race. So that leaves it up to ordinary black Americans to rant and to rave, to demonstrate and to lobby, to march and confront and to sue and generally do whatever is necessary to stop a continuing and deeply racist criminal justice outrage.”