Xenophobic Evil Witch of Arizona !!!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Arizona The Failed State
This is a state in which human life has become disposable. A state that permits its governor to effectively dispose of people unfortunate enough to ill-afford organ transplants. A state that is leading the nation in the fight to create a subhuman / sub-citizen species of person based on skin color and ethnicity. A state that has U.S. military guarding one of its borders against brown people. A state that is engaged in a form of multi-phase ethnic cleansing. A state that is actively promoting a citizenry that is openly armed to the hilt with the world's most deadly firearms. A state that is engaged in overt anti-constitutional legislative strategies. A state, whose voting majority and elective leaders hate our president, our Constitution and America itself.
It's time real Americans stood up against this state. It's time we all take a stand... before all states follow its lead. It's happened before in history. We need to stop the madness, if it's not already too late.”
It's time real Americans stood up against this state. It's time we all take a stand... before all states follow its lead. It's happened before in history. We need to stop the madness, if it's not already too late.”
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Chris Blatchford Is A Xenophobic Culero !!!!!!!!!

Chris Blatchford is a clown of the first degree, everything about him reeks of plagiarism, hokey theatrics, and pandering to the hysterical racist fears and prejudice of that targeted suburban Archie Bunker type viewer. Blatchfords staged, TV news “exclusives”, are a total rip-off of the old KTTV news screwball, the late George Putnam, with all of the strutting up to the camera while still speaking in shocked outrage and disgust, the twisting of his pin head while sticking his face into the camera at close range with his wimpy “tough guy” grimace, the laughable cartoon like Dick Tracy overcoat, Blatchfords breathless, gritty, urgent, but in the end, punk ass voice, almost pleading for a reaction. All undoubtedly rehearsed by Blatchford for optimum effect on his target audience.
It’s TV News at its most comic yet despicable low level.
It’s always a politically slanted and overly theatric performance, but one obviously desired and required by FOX (Faux) News and the Rupert Murdock’s of the world.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Fat Boy Whines
The Fat Boy, is now upset for being called out for his racist comments. boo hoo hoo.
" Shortly after we returned to blogging and just as phase one of the AD43 special election was winding down we became aware of someone who had put together a "hate" blog directed at Mayor Sam and yours truly in particular. This was not the first time this has happened (Don Culo was a pioneer there) and we usually laugh it off. However some associated activities around this have raised to the level of making veiled threats towards me and other individuals associated with me. "
I am not afraid to threaten Mike Higby in public, I have often threatened to take away Mike Higby's, hamburgers, french-fries, ice cream, jelly filled donuts, cheetos, snickers candy and heavily buttered popcorn. You should have the look of shock on Higby's face.
If we want to secure the border with Mexico, we just need ask Mike Highy to lay along the border, very few will survive climbing over his belly, or walking around him. hahahahaha
" Shortly after we returned to blogging and just as phase one of the AD43 special election was winding down we became aware of someone who had put together a "hate" blog directed at Mayor Sam and yours truly in particular. This was not the first time this has happened (Don Culo was a pioneer there) and we usually laugh it off. However some associated activities around this have raised to the level of making veiled threats towards me and other individuals associated with me. "
I am not afraid to threaten Mike Higby in public, I have often threatened to take away Mike Higby's, hamburgers, french-fries, ice cream, jelly filled donuts, cheetos, snickers candy and heavily buttered popcorn. You should have the look of shock on Higby's face.
If we want to secure the border with Mexico, we just need ask Mike Highy to lay along the border, very few will survive climbing over his belly, or walking around him. hahahahaha
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Los Tigres Del Norte - Tres Veces Mojado
This for all the Pinche Cabrones - Lou Dobbs, Walter Moore, Mary Cummins, Republicans, etc
Pinche - Nativists, Xenophobes, Walter Moore, Lou Dobbs, Minutemen, Gavachos, Robber Barons, Mary Cummins, Anonymouse

Mexifornia, the paranoid fear of the Joe Arpaio’s, Walter “my radio is speaking to me in Spanish!” Moore, the forgotten Lou Dobbs, and the author of “Mexifornia” Victor Davis Hansen, who had to build a fence in front of his central valley home to keep the Mexicans from throwing beer cans into his yard.
On this xenophobic and paranoid produced Mexifornia driver’s license is a picture of one of the great actors in American and Mexican history, Alfonso Bedoya, who was a modern day Chicano, being born in Sonora, schooled in Houston Texas, residing for many years in Los Angeles.
“Badges? Badges? I don’t have to show you no stinking badges!” One of the great lines in film history, from one of my all time favorite movies “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre”, about three gringo wetbacks that travel into the Sierra Madre of Mexico searching for gold but end up finding other treasures (except for poor Humphrey Bogart),
Seeing Bedoya on a driver’s license gives me great pleasure, I feel so good I feel like listening to a song to celebrate. I’ll also share it with you.
And get ready for an onslaught of this type of nativist racism when the coming ussue of immigration reform is debated.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Nativists, Xenophobes and the innocent mexican

Mexican woman in Nayarit, Mexico circa 2010. This photo speaks volumes about not only a grieving mother but also about our shared humanity and a repudiation of racism and stereotyping of any ethnic or racial group as being inherently violent and immoral, as is becoming so common with xenophobes and racists in the press and on the internet blog sites WitnessL.A, LA Eastside, and even evident here sometimes at “Don Culo and the Homies”.
This racist demonization of a mexican people seems especially popular nowadays as the terrible Narco Wars continue unabated in Mexico and innocent people are not only being murdered and traumatized, but to top it off castigated as genetically amoral and prone to violence and depravity.
Hopefully some day, the corruption and violence visited on the Mexican people by the wealthy ruling classes, Drug cartels, arms dealers, and avaricious police and military personnel, who all worship at the altar of the almighty dollar, will end.
This racist demonization of a mexican people seems especially popular nowadays as the terrible Narco Wars continue unabated in Mexico and innocent people are not only being murdered and traumatized, but to top it off castigated as genetically amoral and prone to violence and depravity.
Hopefully some day, the corruption and violence visited on the Mexican people by the wealthy ruling classes, Drug cartels, arms dealers, and avaricious police and military personnel, who all worship at the altar of the almighty dollar, will end.
Also no mention is made of those who hold the major responsibilty for the murders in mexico, the anglo-saxon european immigrants who destroyed the rich cultural of the "pure" mexican. There would be no murders or corruption if not for the influence of the anglo-saxon.
The Americans are also responsible for the drug-wars, the nativists who refuse to allow all the poor mexicans to immigrate the the U.S. are forcing poor mexicans to become involved in the drug wars. It is the robber-barons and ango-saxon who are "the powers that be" and control the lives of every poor mexican who is forced to join in the drug wars.
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