Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Devils Of Arizona

The Nazi Nativist !!!!!! Racial Cleansing by Sheriff Joe !!!!

Xenophobic Evil Witch of Arizona !!!!

Arizona The Failed State

This is a state in which human life has become disposable­. A state that permits its governor to effectivel­y dispose of people unfortunat­e enough to ill-afford organ transplant­s. A state that is leading the nation in the fight to create a subhuman / sub-citize­n species of person based on skin color and ethnicity. A state that has U.S. military guarding one of its borders against brown people. A state that is engaged in a form of multi-phas­e ethnic cleansing. A state that is actively promoting a citizenry that is openly armed to the hilt with the world's most deadly firearms. A state that is engaged in overt anti-const­itutional legislativ­e strategies­. A state, whose voting majority and elective leaders hate our president, our Constituti­on and America itself.

It's time real Americans stood up against this state. It's time we all take a stand... before all states follow its lead. It's happened before in history. We need to stop the madness, if it's not already too late.”