Friday, July 31, 2009

Poverty, Pinche Police, Rich Gavachos

The more poverty there is, the less effect police have. In a capitalist system, as poverty increases police especially the LAPD will inevitably make less money, leaving most of them open to corruption. The extra law enforcement winds up becoming criminals themselves. So at the end of the day, you really don’t have extra police. Just more crime, with the same amount of yet to be corrupted police. Same goes for the border and the pinche INS agents. As their union gets busted, ironically by politicians put into power by the very same people who claim to need the border patrol to keep Mexicans out, they’re more open to corruption, as well.

Supply side conservatives gavachos live in some kind of fucking dreamworld where Americans think they will do the nation’s toughest jobs on the cheap.

No !!!

As it stands, only honest and hard working Mexicans seem to be willing to work hard. So, either unemployed Americans need a collective gut check, or supply side conservative gavachos and Robber Barons are going to have to start getting more realistic. The old divide and conquer will not work this time, "chale" to the rich gavachos.

Call it socialism if you will, But all that’s going to save this pinche gavacho run country, at this point, is taxing the rich gavachos.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pinche LAPD Only Works For the White Man

Did you all read the case about a young white girl Lily Burke?

Tu Sabes, if this were a Chicana from the Eastside the case would not get any publicity or never be solved. Pinche LAPD only works cases for the Gavachos con feria.

Did you all notice the bullshit artists, the reactionary white man’s burden types like Ron Kaye, the fourth estate lynch mobs, and all the other get tough on crime types have expelling all their hot air about the mayate who killed the white girl?

Looks like a low down mayate who is a pitiful, no account, lifetime petty thief, wino crackhead, homeless skid row bum was the killer.

Did you read the comments from the xenophobes and nativists who were blaming a gang-banger (code word for cholo aka illegal alien from mexico) for this crime.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Economics 101 - Fuck Laissez faire Capitalism

Twenty years and the melt down of laissez faire Capitalism, the Bush/Cheney years of fascism, and the great equalizer, life itself, seems to have taken a toll on our society and created so many gangs, poverty, crime, unemployment, vile racism, draconian prisons and gentriying hipsters in L.A. Eastside !!!

And now he have many xenophobes in California making the hard working honest undocumented mexican immigrants a scape-goat the pinche robber barons !!!!

The gavacho republicans are the new Nazis and the immigrants are the New Jews !!!!

Fuck the Robber barons !!!!!

Fuck Bush and Cheney !!!!!

Fuck Mary Cummins !!!!!

Fuck Walter Moore !!!!!

Fuck the Minutemen !!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinking Gavachos ih Highland Park !!!

Some Highland Park vatos took care of business and chased out some pendejo gavachos on bicycles. We in Eastside know how to represnt our varrio and keep out the gentrifying gavachos. The gavachos don't belong in East Los Angeles, the gavchos want to take over East Los Angeles, but we know what's up....

The bicycle phenomenon known as Midnight Ridazz had a near tragedy as they rode down Avenue 52 this past Friday night. Around midnight (hence the name), as hundreds of cyclists were making their way from Griffith Park, through Highland Park, and on their way over to Lincoln Heights during the Neverland-themed ride, the group was attacked as they descended down Avenue 52 just before the Pasadena Freeway at Bomer Drive.
When the rolling mass of cyclists with blinking lights, bells, horns, and amplified music trailers went rolling by a house party on 52, the occupants there started yelling, “Fuck you white boys!” (despite the diverse crowd of men and women of every skin color) As the blocks-long group of bikes continued to pass, the group of men in the yard started throwing beer bottles, pots, and anything they could find at the cyclists. (As of this post, there was still bits of broken Corona bottles and white ceramic shards in the Avenue there.) Then they came at them with shovels and started knocking people off bikes and successfully manage to steal one bike from a local cyclist as he was dodging a swinging shovel.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pinche Robber Baron Gavachos !!!!!

Things are tough out here, money’s too tight to mention, and even the people who have a little coin are hanging on to it like it’s gonna be their last dime. That’s not good for the economy!

And after all the bail outs of the probably doomed laissez faire Capitalist financial system including Wall St first and foremost, here “we” sit, shitting in our pants and waiting for the axe to fall at the plantation cotton fields. The only way out of the situation in my opinion, and according to many other’s I respect, is jobs, jobs, jobs, and I don’t mean flipping burgers down at McDonald’s but good paying jobs.

Enough of the failed right wing trickle down theory of economics, aka dog eat dog until Masta drops the bone, If Obama continues to listen to Wall St lackeys like Geithner to the detriment of the people who need jobs, medical care, debt relief, and a say so in how our country is managed then he may find himself out of a job and kicking empty beer cans down the road.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mexicans Being Hunted by Minutemen.

Three people including a ten-year-old girl were shot in their Southern Arizona home by vigilante Minuteman racists. The little girl and her father died. If this happened to a black family in Alabama or a Jewish family anywhere in the USA you know there would be serious consequences and outrage among the American public.

But with the US economy in shambles and unemployment at record levels the Mexican American population is now the whipping boy for the countries ills? Will the FBI and Justice Dept now take a second look at these right wing militias and racist goons who are assassinating innocent Mexicans are thier kids?

Whites are turning more violent as their frustration with an African American President and a more multi-cultural society turns to rage and terrorism.

Our country is now like Hitler's Nazi Germany where no Mexican is safe on the streets.

Patriotism is the last bastion of racists, scoundrels amd Minutemen !!!