Orale Wally I got your back ese, you know me and the carnales have mucho respeto for the Mero-Mero, que no? I read you comment and Igot really pissed off, so I had post your comment on my firme blog. I will be keeping AnonyMousa, Homer, Jethro, Cantinflas and Gava Joe in check for you Wally.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I've been alerted that some assbite is trolling the web, leaving idiotic comments and linking back to this site in an effort to discredit me. Be advised it's not working. This person is laboring under the illusion that the rest of the world is as stupid and gullible as he or she is. I urge you to come out of that dark place where you reside, step into the light of day and grow a spine. If you have problems whose only resolution is posting lunacy, you need to cowboy up and face life square on. You'll be amazed at how liberating it can be to stand on your own feet instead of kicking others in the shins and pointing to some other guy and saying, "he did it." Your vessel is empty. You'll never feel good about yourself by sucking others into your void
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Abuelita'a Menudo recipe by popular request

Orale I know you vatos have been asking for my abuelita menudo recipe, pues orale aqui esta.
A large saucepan
1 calf's pata (foot) (about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds)
2 pounds honeycomb tripe
1 large cebolla (onion)
3 cloves ajo (garlic), peeled
6 peppercorns
2 teaspoons salt, or to taste
4 quarts of agua (water)
A comal or griddle
3 large chiles anchos
A spice grinder
A large chile poblano, peeled or 2 canned, peeled green chiles
The calf's pata (foot)
1/2 cup canned hominy (1 pound) drained (see note below)
Sal (Salt) as necessary
1 scant teaspoon oregano
Have the carnicero (butcher) cut the calf's pata (foot) into quatro (four) pieces. Cut the tripe into small squares. Put them into the pan with the rest of the ingredients. Cover with agua (water) and bring to a boil. Lower the flame and simmer uncovered for about 2 hours, or until the tripe and pata (foot) are just tender but not too suave (soft). Meanwhile, toast the chilies well. Slit them open and remove the seeds and veins from the chile poblano, cut it into strips, and add to the carne (meat) while it is cooking. Remove the pieces of calf's pata (foot) from the pen, and when they are cool enough to handle, strip off the fleshy parts. Chop them roughly and return them to the pan.
Add hominy and continue cooking the menudo slowly, still uncovered, for another 2 hours.
Add salt as necessary. Sprinkle with oregano and serve (see note below).
This amount is sufficient for 7 or 8 people. It should be served in large, deep bowls with hot tortillas and small dishes of chopped chile serranos, finely chopped onion and wedges of lime for each person to help himself, along with Salsa de Tomate Verde Cruda to be eaten with tortillas.
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